The life and death of Talia Brim

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"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!"
Who the hell is mocking on my door right now.... uggggg remind me to never go clubbing on a weds day with Miranda EVER AGAIN ewww I feel gross!
"Go away!"
"Well good morning to you too sunshine!" My little sister Sarah quips, ugg I can't with sunlight right now so imma just pull the duvet up and sell go away.
"Uh well is that any way to great you fabulous sister who drove all the way over here with the Brim family hangover cure? Hmmm I got Mc D's quarter pounder with a side of fries and aspirin, buuuut if you want me to go away then I gues..."
Uggg is what my body's screaming as I emerge from under my sheets, " dear sweet beautiful sister of mine, how kind my saviour! Swoon. Now hand it over." Sarah just roles her eyes and tosses me the Advil. Score. I grab my water and pop two pills fuck I hate headaches. I turn back and see she's arrears started on her burger so I quickly grab mine to catch up.
" you know sometimes I think how funny it is that your the older one graduating from uni today mind you and yet I can still find you shitfaced collapsed on your bed. Ah the nostalgia of our youth bringing me back to high school." She sighs and I just role my eyes " oh shut up your five seconds out of high school you freshman baby face I can still see the peach fuzz. Plus at least mom and dad never caught me with a guy in the mornings." Haha take that
She scoffs"no they just found you throwing up in out toilet crying that, and I quote 'I'm never ever drinking again' only to do it all over again next week you drama queen." Damn she's got me there. I grab some fries "not that I don't appreciate all of this but, of for Pete's sake Sar it's 830 why the fuck did you wake me up this is sleep time. Uhhh I knew I never should of given you a spare key.
" well you've obviously forgot that your graduation is today, we've got a hair appointment in 30 minutes and nails after, oh and mom and dad are meeting us back here at 12 to get ready and take photos before your graduation at 2 so chop chop missy! We've got places to be and people to see let's get going!" Gosh darn her and her helpful yet annoying type A personality. Goodbye bed, my love as I get up and sniff my pits, gawd damn I need a shower. I do the quick lather rinse and repeat and am out in 10, brush my teeth, brush my hair but on some BO for my DO, pull in some grainy panties and a comfy bra, a sweat set and my sun glasses and were good as new.
"OK short stake where good to go, let's get going." And we're out of the house Sarah following me giggling and clapping her hands! God bless her child like giddiness it always mages to make me smile even with a shitstorm of a migraine. Somehow driving to the salon while semi listening to Sarah's rant about her most event asshole of a boyfriend clears up my headache. I swear all her boyfriends and girlfriends ha e sucked ass and not in the fun way, haha lol suck none. Though I'm not one to talk haven't really gotten out there after the last dumpster fire of my last relationship.
"And he just left me there! Uggg FUCK DANIEL! Oh turn here the salons right ahead. As I park we start chanting "fuck Daniel!" People start to stare but say la vie, ya gotta support a girlie.

Time skip to getting ready

Talia's dress/ look and nails below

Talia's dress/ look and nails below

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"Gahhhh darling you look fabulous, oh what a beautiful daughter I have, both of look look at yourselves

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"Gahhhh darling you look fabulous, oh what a beautiful daughter I have, both of look look at yourselves. What angles oh and who is the hottie in the back?" Sar scoffs but I just reply "oh mom that's just the supermodel I've been holding hostage. Oh wait no it's not it's you!"
"Ah yes well you are your mother's daughter where do you think all this beauty came from eh?" "Hmm the stork that brought me here?" I say back.
" oh dear lord darling tell me I don't need to sit down my 22 year old hand have the sex talk again, there's only so much awkwardness a father can handle." I turn seeing my father smirk from the doorway, "you all look marvellous, I am the luckiest man in the world. all others will be jealous."me and Sar start giggling as mom walks over to dad to give him an over zealous kiss and our giggles quickly turn to gags. "EWWWWW!" We scratch as dad dips them but secret smiles ghost our faces, admiring the love they still hold for one another after these 30 years. My parents most definitely were soulmates, and growing up with them as an example how could you ever want anything less. Though from what I've seen love leads to abuse and sadness so true love doesn't seem to be in the cards for me *sigh* at least not in this life.
Snapping me out of my inner monologue Sarah snaps "alrighty get over there lia so I can get some shots of you mom and dad." I stand between them and we take photos for five minuets dad leans down and kisses my forehead "I'm so proud of you my little bird your graduating university, Ah you've grown into such a brilliant young woman I'm so proud of you. We both are." I look and see both my parents getting misty eyed, gah I pull them into a huge d scream "AWWW GUYSSSSS! I LOVE YOU DAD, MOM THANKS FOR BEING THE BEST PARENTS EVER." all of a sudden there's a bright flash inturupting our emotional moment.
"Yes got the candid aww y'all are so cute." Sarah says.

After photos I check the group chat, " duke, Matilda and Andreas are already there, oh and dad lee wants a rematch haha." "Ahh so young lee thinks he's a man now huh? Alright well invite your friends over to the air bnb this weekend for the cook off.  It I want fair judging understood." "Yes dear we all understand that you want us to pretend your cooking is better than the culinary students." My mother says with a sheepish smirk on her face. "My you little!" My dad calls as he chases her out of the apartment. "Alright Sar let's go."

On the way there I zone out whilst the family talks. For some reason I have this horrid feeling in my stomach maybe it's the hangover. I don't know it feels wrong almost foreboding. God I hope nothing bad happens. "Common lia let's go." Sarah yells as she jumps out of the car. I look up and start walking, when out of no where a car races full throttle towards Sarah, my eyes widen in horror "SARAH!" my all star track legs more at superhuman speed somehow as a run to push her out of the way falling in the process. I stumble to stand up when I hear my family yell,


I was reborn as Elena Gilbert! Wtf!Where stories live. Discover now