The Weight

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I wanna go back, forget that it's over

Camila. That girl was everything to me. She deserved the world and could only give her a portion of it. I was never enough for her and that was evident in the way she treated me. I loved her with all my heart and the feelings were reciprocated for awhile until she was done with me. I gave her my everything and she gave me nothing. I gave her my heart, she held it her hands as she danced with me until her feet couldn't dance anymore, then she dropped my heart and it shattered into a million pieces.

Paint it in black, when you left me alone

I never understood why she left me. She told me I made her feel secure, happy. Everyone always said that we would never last and that what we had was just a phase. Our parents told us that Camila and I could never be together because it was "wrong". They never really understood what her and I had. In the last months she seemed distant and I knew why. She believed what our parents told us. So she left. Little did I know.

I never knew,
She was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with.

Austin was my best friend, we grew up together and our parents grew up together too. We did everything together and we were inseparable. After I met Camila he would always try to talk with her and flirt with her. He knew she meant the world to me but yet he still tried to get at her. Eventually they started to talk and get close, I brushed off because I thought Austin would never pull anything on her. Eventually he did and Camila let him. I never even looked at him after that.

And I can't go back to her anymore, no

She left me for him, she told me what we had was not real. She told me she never thought we be together long. I was devastated, I loved her more than myself and she knew that yet she still broke my heart. I need to go back with her but I can't. I can't be stepped on again.

You tell me you were happier with him, you want me to stay

Camila said we should stick to being "just friends" and I agreed because i couldn't lose her completely. When we would talk she would say how happy she was with Austin, it made me uncomfortable because I knew she never spoke about me to Dinah, her best friend, that way. Soon enough that's when Austin started hurting her. She wanted me to stay with her almost every night because she was scared of being alone. That girl was something else.

And you tell me that you needed time but you pushed me away

Austin found out that Camila was still talking to me and he went ape shit, Camila tried to calm him down but he slapped her. In the face. He slapped my Camz. Camila came to my house after that sobbing, her cheek starting to bruise and I held her close. It felt right, that moment felt so right, like how it was between her and I at first. I swear Camila felt it too but she pushed it aside. She left me again that night because she told me she needed time and space to think, we didn't talk for a month. It finally sunk in that she didn't need me as much as I needed her.

And when you try to take me back, my heavy heart just breaks

One night she came to me pleading for my forgiveness. I wasn't over her and as much as I wanted to be, I wasn't. She explained how she was stupid for messing things up with me but I knew she was going to use me to get her mind off Austin. She "wanted me back" because she realized she was "in love with me". I finally decided then what I had to do. I let her go.

No, I can't lift the weight

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