The happiest place on earth 🤩

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Ok, let's do a little introduction of your character first 😉
You are a country pop star with a baddie attitude. You are IN IT to WIN IT! Your mama didn't raise no loser.
You have loads of money and you're filthy stinkin rich.
You auditioned to get on Total Drama Island before but you were the only one who didn't get on the show.. so Chris McLean being his insane self, kidnapped you as well vc as the other contestants from past seasons to be on his new show.. Total Drama Return of The Island..

Ok! Now let's begin!!

You slowly open your eyes.. you don't even know what happened. Everything comes back to you and you wake up. It's like you in a coma.
"Mmm... h-hello..??" You say hazily.
You were awoken by these random people who look like they were tired of their jobs. And then.. you see him.
CHEIS MCLEAN??????!?!!?!!
Then those sad looking people must be his interns!
You immediately sit up and regain consciousness. Did you just see your all time favorite celebrity??
You were about to get up and say hi, but you don't even know where you are yet. You look around, and it looks like you were.. on a boat? A reaaallly looooong boat. Almost like a fancy limo but on the water.
You're sitting in a sticky, torn up boat seat, surrounded by other people.
You look around and it looks like those people.. ARE THE CONTESTANTS FROM TOTAL DRAMA!!!!
You can't help yourself, you let out a giant squeal of excitement.
"Ok campers! I'm soooo glad you decided to join me today! We will be arriving to the island shortly!" Chris McLean says enthusiastically on the loud speaker.
You hear groans and screams of anger. Don't they want to be here?? This show is amazing!! You think.
"Ohh you're going to hear from my lawyers, Chris!!" You hear a whiney voice say from a girl with brown hair.
"Omg y'all I can't believe we're on this show!! I can't believe I'm here!!! EEEEEEK!!" You scream with joy and hop up and down in your seat.
The whole boat became silent and they all snapped their necks around to look at you.
And when they did... their jaws immediately drop.
"ARE YOU Y/N???? THE MOST FAMOUS COUNTRY POP SINGER IN THE WORLD????" They all scream in unison and look at you with big star eyes.
You gasp at how they knew your name.
"Omg you know me!!!" You squeal and blush.
The boat erupts into laughter and they all slap their knees.
"OK ENOUGH! THE BOAT'S ARRIVED EVERYONE GET OUT!!!" Chris yells, kind of impatient.
Everyone sighs and they all get out of the fancy boat and onto a doc.
Could this be the doc of shame?? You squeal once more.
Chris then realizes that he has to film you all getting out of the boat one by one to introduce you so he immediately pushed you all back inside the boat.
"Welcome everyone to this amazing reality show! The producers, my lawyers, and my doctor.. allowed me to do another season of Total Drama! In this season, we're on an island that's a combination of Camp Wawanakwa and Pahkitew!! The returning contestants are.." Chris says and looks over at the boat and he pulls out a list since that's a heck of a lot of names to remember.
"Ok ummmm from Total Drama Island! We have...
Ezekiel (he's better now)
And Noah!
"And of course, returning from world tour we have Alejandro and crazy total drama fan Sierra!" Chris finishes.
The Total Drama Island cast walks out of the boat angrily along with Alejandro and Sierra.
"And now the returning contestants from Revenge of the Island are..
And Brick!
"Aaaand returning from Pahkitew island we have....
And Jasmine!
Hehehehe.." Chris closes with his signature silly laugh.
The cast members walk out of the boat and onto the doc.
"And last but definitely not least!! We have the most famous country pop star joining us today!! Everyone give a warm welcome tooooo...... drum roll please....." Chris says, bringing out nail biting suspense.
Chef Hatchet does a little drum roll on his lap in encouragement. Eventually everyone starts doing a little drumroll.
"Ok enough!" Chris shouts s but annoyed.
"Please welcome Y/N L/N (last name)!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!1!!1!" Chris shouts into the megaphone and everyone cheers as you walk out of the boat on the doc of shame.
"What's up y'all!!!!" You scream and do a silly pose.
Everyone laughs, cheers, screams, and cries as soon as they see you.
Some contestants even try to tug on your hair to get a sample of it to keep.
"HEY HEY HEY BACK OFF!!1!1!" Chris screams and claps away the hands of the.. rather touchy teens.
"JEEZ! I haven't even introduced the teams yet!" Chris huffs in annoyance.
Everyone settles down. You walk over to the crowd of people and stand next to the whiney brunette from earlier and a goth chick.
"Hey there girlies.." you whisper shout and smile.
The two girls look at you annoyed.
I guess they aren't big fans of you.
"Ok! On team one, we have..
And y/n!"
All 10 of you scream and joy and they all run up to you, hugging you.
"Ok! Team 2 will be..
And Izzy!"
All of them get into a group.
"Anndd team 3 will be.......
And Tyler!!!"
Chris finishes and they split into their groups.
"Ok! Just like in World Tour, I'm letting each of you decide your team names!" Chris says enthusiastically.
Everyone goes into their groups.
Of course your team is fawning all over you.
"We should name the team after y/n! She's amazing!!" The kid named Garold says and stares at you, drooling.
You snicker and blush.
What a gentleman!
Once again, the brunette (Courtney) and the goth (Gwen) both roll their eyes at you.
"Let's name ourselves team Cody!" Sierra cheers.
"No thank you," Cody cringes.
"I have a great idea y'all! Let's name ourselves team Cash money! Because we love it so much,"you say enthusiastically.
Everyone nods their hairs in agreement.
"Okay so we have teams money," Chris says and moves onto the next team.
"Ooh Ooh! Let's call ourselves team dynamite!!! Yay explosions!!!" Izzy screams.
"Awww I wanted team lipgloss," Lindsay sighs.
"How about team Zombie Slayers," Shawn suggests.
Everyone cheers for the epic name.
"And team 3, have you got a name yet?" Chris asks.
"Chris, we've decided to go with my name suggestion, team Oppressed Gamers," Sam smiles.
"Wow that's a stupid name, but ok," Chris shrugs.
"Okay campers I'll let you get set up in your cabins. Girls in Cabins 1 & 2 and Boys in Cabins 3 & 4, no intermingling between the opposite sex cabins. I don't want any pregnancies on the show capiche?" Chris giggles.
Everyone giggles with him and they all look at the opposite sexes with lust.
Duncan looks at your thicc dumpy and licks his lips, you pretend to ignore him but you stick out your booty a bit more for him.
"Chef will give you your cabin numbers so go see him to get your number," Chris winks at you all.
You all form a line to get your cabin number, it was your turn and you got cabin 1. You go into the cabin along with Gwen, Heather, Zoey, Bridgette, Sierra, Leshawna and Dawn.
"Wow this is so exciting y'all! I've always been touring and stuff so I've never got to have any sleepovers or nuthin, feels like I gots me some friends," you giggle at the girls and look extremely cute.
Speaking of which, this is what you look like:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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