Love at first sight

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You were walking down the street with your umbrella on this dull,cold,rainy day as you are scrolling on your rain dropped coverd phone screen as you look up  you bumped into a tall male with beautiful brunette locks of hair but all you could focus on was his ear.
His ear looked attractive and you just couldn't take your eyes off of it and you could just tell that you were in love.You stared at his ear as you bite you bottom lip until the ear suddenly detached itself from the tall males head.If that ear had been ugly you would have screamed but all you could do is stare at it in amazement.
You had stared at the ear for so long that you didn't even notice the small drool forming on your face.You were finnaly done gawking at the ears beauty when he jumped up onto you shoulder and spoke "hey BaBy GoRl you looking kinda smexy today".
A blushed formed on your face "oh uhm well I could say the same about you" you say smirking.
The ear suddenly jumped off your shoulder told you to follow him so you did. The ear led you for what felt like hours to who knows where until you ended up at a lake.
You take a seat on a boat and drive off as fast as you can due to the fact that it wasn't you boat and you stole it. The tall blond boat owner who had glasses and was with another male with green hair started yelling and chasing after you in his spair boat.
While zooming on The lakes green cold waters you lean in and kiss the ear because you just couldn't get over how sexy he looked driving the boat
"S-sorry ear~San!!"You say as you full away from the ears soft skin.
"I don't mind" the ear replies as he stops the boat and leans in for another kiss.
Suddenly BOOM!!!CRASH!!!SPLASH!!! The boat tipped over as another boat hit you!!
You didn't know how to swim and neither did the ear so you both drown at the bottom of the lake but it was worth it because you died with you sexy daddy ear 🥵

lolol I hope you weird people enjoy this lol I hope it makes you laugh as hard as it make me laugh-your author :)

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