Untitled Part 1

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Once again i woke up to hearing my phone ringing and bussing. I hope that it isnt that weird guy again. Ever since he found my number hes been constantly texting me trying to convince me to be his sugar baby. I never looked down on people who had a sugar daddy, but i never thought that id be in this situation myself, trying to choose whether or not to get a sugar daddy. I mean, if he was rich then i guess it wouldnt really cause me any harm to live in luxury for a little while.

I looked at my phone screen and i was right, i had 69 messages from the mysterious guy. But there was also three messages from my friend Armin. He is quite weird. I dont know why we are friends but that is problably because everyone else in our classes doesent like us. Because i am the hottest person to ever exist people always disliked me. Of course it was out of jealosey, people really can be pathetic. Armin was just weird, and i guess that why people never wanted to be with him. For a example, he'd be the guy to watch furry porn during our lessons. I actually think he did that once, and when i asked him about it he said it was for "research". You see? I dont think anyone would want to be around that kind of guy, but i dont think that he is that terrible. 

"Hey y/n chan wanna hang out?"

"are you ignoring me you silly goose?"

"hey answer me ive got some cheese brick left" Armins texts said.

Usually, i would just ignore him. But since he said he had cheese brick i got a little bit happy and decided that i could hang out with him.

"Sure, when?" i texted him.

"At my house?" he quickly answered. Seriously, did he not have anything to do?

"Ok" i replied.

"Can my two friends come, by the way?" he asked. This was a suprise. I'd never except Armin to have any friends. 

"Ok" i  replied once again.

"Thank you! See you later, alligator! XD" Armin said. I didnt answer him and instead i put on one of the shirts i found on my bedroom floor.  The shirt was pretty ugly but because i was so sexy the shirt also became hot.  

I walked all way to the train station and took the train to armins apartment. actually, it wasnt his apartment. it was his parents, but they were often working so he was always alone at home. maybe thats why he became the way that he is now.  

When i was by armins apartment i opened the door. he never locked the door because he thinks that it seems more welcomening if you dont. As i walked into his apartment i could hear three voices, one of them being Armins. I walked into Armins room and saw two other guys sitting on his bed, happily talking and laughing with him. One of them were bald and the other shorter ginger head. LOL a fucking ginger i knew Armin wouldnt be able to get normal friends. 

The bald guy looked up at you with a confused face. Then his face brighted up and he excitingly asked Armen if i  was the girl he had told them about. Armen nodded. Armin introduced the two guys and said that the bald guy was pyxis chan and the ginger was flochie poo. pyxis was talking with armin about something and floch was texting someone on his phone. i looked at my phone and saw that i was getting new texts from my sugar daddy. floch put away his phone at the same time that the texts ended (SUS LIKE imposter in among us). 

The three if them kept talking while i ate all of the cheese brick. they tried to invite me into the conversation some times but idk if i want to talk with that kind of people. armen is enough. after i had eaten all of the cheese i took the train home again.

The day after that was monday and i went to school. As i walked in i could see the ginger guy who was Armins friend. He really goes at our school, i must just not noticed him before. He was once again texting someone on his phone. My phone kept plinging from the sugar daddy and i took it out of my pocket. I started to walk towards floch to go and talk to him. When he noticed me he put away his phone and the same time he did the texts stopped sending. Was it just a coincidense? I guess it wouldnt hurt to ask him about it.

-Is this you? I asked him and showed him my phone.

He looked a little shocked and then as if he was trying to figure out what to say.

-Yes baka,  he answered after a little while. Well that was a suprise. but i guess it was better that it was him then some old guy.

-Are you actually rich? i asked him.

-No, but armin gave me your number and i thought it would be funny to prank you. 

-Okay, but are you rich enough to go to karaoke? I asked him.

-Sure babygirl, he answered.

After school on the same day he was waiting for me outside our school. I was mostly joking when i said that about karaoke, since ive seen som animes where they go to sing at some karaoke place. But since he said he could pay i didnt mind.

We took the train there and when we were there floch ordered a peanut butter flavoured milkshake.

-So, what song do you wanna sing? He asked me.

-I dont know, you can start, i answered him.

-Whatever you say.

He searched up some song called commitment issues.

-I am acutally a soundcloud rapper, he said right before he clicked start. He started rapping the lyrics that came up on the screen and was actually not that bad. He be spitting em bars though.

I got commitment issues
But I'm tryna' fix that for you
If I can't afford that bag that you want
Then I would lick that for you, huh
I wanna be there for you
I knew that the day I saw you, he rapped in the right tempo as the song. (For best experince, listen to the song Commitment Issues my Central Lee while reading this).

He was really giving his soul into rapping to this song and im sure that i could even see a drop of sweat from his neck. Since he wasnt paying attention to his milkshake i kept taking tiny sips from it. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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floch lol idkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora