Year 5

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A beautiful morning, but dead silence in a dark and old place. It seemed like night but the cracks of light through the window made a little light. It was silent other than the wind blowing making a whistle but then "KAYLA GET UP RIGHT NOW!!" I get up questioning who had screamed my name, my family left all summer which locked me in a old house(Malfoy Manor). I slowly get up and look at myself in the cracked mirror noticing the dark bags under my eyes. And once again I heard a "That girl i swear if shes not up..." With loud foot steps coming toward my room, i run to my closet and put on leggings and a black hoodie. All a sudden... BANG and the door flew open "KAYLA GET U-.. oh your up....." Bellatrix screeched "MOM!!" as a run up to hug her but her lips read "Do not touch me, get ready your going somewhere" "Where am i going mom?" I ask very curiously "No questions shall be asked as you are expected to be ready in 5 minutes!". I stand there in shock questioning myself why was she so mad? I look at the clock and it looks like there 3 minutes left to get ready. I rush around my room looking for my ring but couldn't find it, "maybe its down stairs..." I swing open the door and rush down stairs and see Bellatrix (my mother) sitting patiently at the table, "Mom have you seen my ring-" but i got cut off by a voice that sounded familiar but i couldn't think who it might be. "Kayla how great is it to finally see you after all this time" it went silent and people I haven't seen were staring at me. I slowly walk down the stairs quite nervous but determined to find out who this strange person was. "I thought you might've remembered me.." "DAD!!!!!!" I rush up to him giving him a hug, he accepted it but my own mother didn't. "Sit down my love". Now this story may confuse you but let me catch you up, Your name is Kayla Lestrange. Your father is Voldemort and your mother is Bellatrix. Your family leaves you home every time you come back from Hogwarts.... back to the story. I sat down trying not to make eye contact with Bellatrix but i did, so I give a glare which makes Severus very interesting in what im like around family and friends. I turn my head around to see everybody that I haven't seen in forever wondering if your childhood best friend was here. I slightly turn my head making eye contact with a tall blonde boy. It was Draco, I haven't seen him since school and I quickly look away because the eye contact was making my blood boil. A question came through my mind and it wasn't something I usually think about it was that the eye contact wasn't normal it was like those cringy love stories muggles make, when they meet eye contact and they fall in love. But Draco was just a friend..... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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