Everybody Knows

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Author's Note: Edit: I was so focused on putting 5 scenes here that I forgot it's a 5+1. Geeeezzzz. Well, now it's fixed. XD



Officer Cacuzza watches the scene unfold as her favorite consultant walks away from a visibly upset Detective Decker. Of course, she wants a scoop on what the heck is going on but that's not exactly what cops do so she keeps it to herself, her speculation of what had happened. Lucifer just knows what button to push, she surmised, but she has never seen his partner this mad.

Now, how to ask the Detective nicely to sign the evidence forms?


Joan the new rookie gets roped in by the consultant one Tuesday morning, offering donuts which she dutifully helps herself with. But before she could even get a bite, Lucifer grabs it back and says he brought the wrong ones and smiles at her apologetically.

Meanwhile, Detective Decker rolls her eyes and frowns at the consultant, and the tension it creates has Joan scrambling to get out of their way. She has heard stories about the partners' dynamics and this is supposedly normal, but Joan couldn't really tell.

But she really wanted that donut.


Ella forces a smile when Decker laughs obnoxiously at Lucifer's comment (which wasn't at all funny) over a poisoned jock who may have had one too many drinks during their initial investigation at a crime scene.

The analyst has been working with the partners for a few months and she knows there's something going on there, but it's like they're both pushing and pulling and it confused her to no end. Why must they dance around each other when the connection is as clear as day?

But to each their own.


Dan doesn't understand why Chloe is distancing herself from her consultant like a plague, but he has no qualms with it. In fact, he's quite enjoying how Lucifer seems to be squirming at each subtle rejection that said consultant even had the gall to ask him what it means.

"It means that they hate you. That they want you as far away from them as possible, because your very touch...makes them recoil...in disgust."

Dan stares at the consultant's face and waits.

"What? Hm? No funny quip to that?" He turns his head towards Chloe and when he turns back, Lucifer's already gone. Not that he cares or anything. He's just glad that whatever it is, at least his ex-wife's eyes are finally opened to the truth, that Lucifer is not one of the good guys.

Although deep down, Dan knows that the famed club owner had nothing to do with Charlotte's death.

But if hating and blaming Lucifer at the moment allows him to function to some extent towards normalcy, so be it. 


Jed Moore thinks Chloe is acting strange around her eccentric consultant because of him and it kind of makes the DJ happy in a way. He thinks that maybe, after all these years, he may still have a place in her heart. Most importantly, they did spend a few good years together so there's that.

Although the lingering looks Cherry Jane gives Lucifer suggests otherwise.

But DJ Karnal could be wrong. Because she did say she wasn't in a relationship.


"Detective! You made it to the party!" Lucifer exclaims as he makes his way to her and puts a hand behind her to guide her towards the center of the precinct.

"What party?" Chloe asks, genuinely confused

"Your engagement party, of course."

"Engagement..." It takes her a second to process the words, but her partner of six years is already on his knees, opening a velvet box with a ring that looks similar to the one he's wearing, except its stone is white. "What...?"

"Will you marry me, Chloe?" The banner with the same words roll down from the railings and everyone in the precinct goes silent while they wait for her response.

"Yes, yes of course."

The cheers and applause that follows drown out her reply, but Lucifer's hearing is excellent so he proceeds to slip on the ring for everyone to see.

Joan would have loved this.

Officer Cacuzza is teary-eyed as she cheered on.

Ella is bouncing up and down like a child because her favorite OTP finally hooked up.

Dan is happy for them. After some much-needed time and therapy, he's finally able to pick up the pieces and move on with his life.

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