from the dust

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any moment might be our last. everything
is more beautiful because we're doomed.
you will never be lovelier than you are now.
we will never be here again

we will never be here again ❞

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This is a story of a love that was not meant to be

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This is a story of a love that was not meant to be.

When Bucky Barnes left Captain America at the edge of the water, conflict waging war inside his heart, he thought it was the end. How could he now move on, after everything in his life had been a lie, when everything he'd been conditioned to know was gone? Soon after leaving, Bucky found himself in the streets of Madrid. Unable to understand his own mind, Bucky lay low, stealing when he needed to, trying to find a semblance of a normal life while his mind screamed for him to destroy himself. After one month, Bucky thought his end would arrive soon.

That is, until, his salvation came in the form of a woman with pink lips and fresh, wild eyes, a girl of strawberries and sunshine. Picking up Bucky when he found himself slumped in an alley after a nasty brawl, the woman saw that he was in need of help, and didn't hesitate to come to aide. Next thing he knew, Bucky was awoken by a little girl the age of ten jumping on his chest, poking his metal arm and smirking at his grunts of pain.

There, the love that would not last blossomed.

After staying with the woman, named Marina Castell, and her rambunctious child Reine for a few days, Bucky found he didn't want to leave. The life Marina lived drowned him in a world of empathy and laughter, pillow fights and learning to dance. The more he watched the two, the more he couldn't bear to part with them. Marina showed him that there was more to life than what you were made out to be, and Reine, with all her strange qualities (particularly an odd amount of strength) showed Bucky that fire can find a home under flesh. Bucky saw Marina to be the beacon of hope in his now tumultuous life, and he fell in love with her. They both did.

It would be their end.

Through many dangers, battles and heartbreak, they stuck together; Bucky and Marina, and their hard edged daughter Reine. A mismatched family of fire and light and pain. Through Civil Wars Marina kept Bucky together, moving them all to Wakanda to heal his mind, making sure to be there when he awoke. They watched Reine grow in the fields, and their love grew stronger. Marina stuck with Bucky when the war of Infinity arrived on their doorstep. When Bucky left to fight, promising Marina he'd be back, she believed him. .

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