1. Maple Syrup Pancakes

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"Naya, get your butt down here NOW!" Who the hell does this girl think she is? Older by 2 minutes and thinks she's the Queen of England, damn relax!

"Really Nat? Relax. It's not the end of the world!" I roll my eyes as I trudge down the stairs.

"I'm getting married & having my Luna ceremony tomorrow night and you have nothing to wear so yeah, I don't think relaxing is on my mind right now little sis" she knew I hated that she called me 'little sis' especially since I was the taller and very much stronger twin.

"I have something to wear" I lied. "You do know I know when you're lying right? We make the exact same face" dammit! She's good. "Okay, okay. I don't have anything to wear" I admitted and it felt like acid going down my throat, a feeling I didn't like.

"All the Alphas in the country will be here for this, I would like them to see that my family aren't all incapable of style, especially my twin sister. Plus, you never know, your future Mate might be amongst that crowd" she gave me googley eyes.

We just turned 21 and her "Mate" was our 24 year old un-mated but close friend Alpha, Grayson. "Pfft please, you just found yours. I highly doubt mine is going to magically appear as well" don't get me wrong, I'm super stoked for my sister but this is where she and I are different. Let's put it this way, she loves pampers & shopping and I love training & fighting. Completely two different ends of the spectrum and my parents love it! Our father was the former Beta of the pack, so naturally we were built and raised for authority and my sister will be an amazing Luna. I just don't know if I would be cut out to be one too.

Everyone thought I'd be Mated with Hudson, our current Beta and I think part of me expected that too given the 4 of us, plus our current Gamma and his mate, Nate and Beatrice, all grew up together because of our parents and their ranks. We spent countless summers down at the lake and almost every day together whether that be in training or meetings, we were always together. I think Hudson thought we'd be Mated also and I can't tell you the disappointment on his face when we both realised we weren't.

In our pack, dating before you were 21 was forbidden. This had been a rule long before we were born. Many, many years ago an Alpha's daughter had a baby before she was Mated, she fell in love with a human and brought shame to her pack when her true Mate was the Alpha of a neighbouring pack. He rejected her and her father banished her also. To avoid this happening again, no one was ever allowed to date. But that didn't stop the way people felt about one another. By people I mean Hudson and by one another, I mean me. He was certain we were and he waited 3 years just to find out we weren't. I just feel bad for him, you know?

"Naya let's go!" My over the top and impatient sister honks her horn and gets me out of my thoughts. "I'm coming woman!" I yell back. I think she gets a kick out of annoying me, I think she lives for this and she's damn well succeeding. This woman is going to be the death of me.


"I hate this dress" I melodramatically tell my sister who insisted on this burgundy, body con dress that clings to my body down to my knees and then flows down into a little train. Did I say insisted? I meant forced me to wear this. Is she the one getting married or was I? She rolled her eyes at me and if her face and hair weren't all fixed up and ready, a pillow would have definitely found it's way to her face.
"Don't be so dramatic, you look super hot!" She fixes the train at the bottom before standing straight and making me turn. She made Beatrice do my face in this natural but dark look that made my "hazel green eyes pop" Nat's words not mine.

"Your sisters right babe, you look hot" Beatrice agreed as she added lipstick to my lips to complete the look. I hadn't looked in the mirror yet and was a little scared to.
My long hair was put into a bun with two strand like fringe pieces, as you can tell I'm not good with words when it comes to my appearance. But as I stared at myself in the mirror, I couldn't even recognise my own face but I'd be lying if I didn't agree with the other two. Besides, me in a dress was a rare occasion so it's either go big or go home, right?

By the time this whole process was done with both my sister and I, it was almost time for her wedding/mating ceremony to start and boy was she excited! I don't blame her though. What's not to be excited about?

Werewolves don't normally do the whole mundane wedding thing, it's dependent on each individual pack. My sister has always dreamed of her wedding day so of course she had to have one. As if Grayson was going to deny her of her own wedding. The guy has always had a soft spot for Nat even before they found out they were Mates. Everything in their lives made sense the day we turned 21 and they found out, from then on everything was going to fall into place for them.

We left my parents house and headed for the forest, a light scent in the air. I took a glimpse above, the sky was illuminating with purples and blues and it was beautiful. If there was anything that made me feel calm and at peace, it was the night sky. It was the moon and the stars. I mean, we are children of the Moon Goddess so why wouldn't I love everything about astronomy. The moon was at its fullest tonight which is the only time a Luna is presented as a, well, Luna of the Pack and my sister will be amazing, I just know it.

The further we walked the closer we got to a glow of light ahead of us. Flame torches paved a walkway to the stage that outlooked the lake and it was glistening. I don't know what it was but something was different out here. I've come out here everyday for 21 years and maybe it's because it's my sisters wedding day but something was definitely in the air tonight. My wolf Nevaeh was stirring, she could feel it too. We were both on edge and it didn't feel good at all. I looked at my parents and they're just as calm and carefree as my sister. As we got closer to the stage, the members of our pack were strewed across the forest and right at the front were the Alphas of every other Pack in the country. My mind was either going crazy or I can smell Maple Syrup Pancakes, my wolf was relishing in this new scent and the closer I got to the stage, the stronger it got. As my sisters witness, I had to stand up on stage with her. Hudson had to help me walk up the steps and with these damn heels and this dress, it wasn't like I was a fighting warrior at all. I can hear a low but subtle growl and I looked at Hudson in confusion but it wasn't him. I tried to scan the forest quickly but the lights were too bright to see anything so I stood impatiently. My wolf was doing something crazy, was she purring? Do wolves even purr? I was trying so hard to focus on what was happening but Nevaeh was making it very hard to do so. I absentmindedly took a final look in the crowd and then it hit me, green piercing eyes staring right into the depths of my soul. Nevaeh shouted for joy.


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