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“Y/n, we would love to have you on the Student Council but…” Wendy looked Y/n up and down with a look of disgust. “You’re look isn't ideal for the position, thanks for thinking about joining but i think it's best if you stay by the side lines if you know what i mean.” she said, finishing her sentence and writing down a few words on her clipboard. 

“What’s wrong with the clothes i wear? And no I don't know what you mean. Wendy, my speech was a whole lot better than the others, please. Let me be on the Student Council.” Y/n asked and Wendy looked at the person beside her. “I'm Student Council President, what I say goes. Now leave Y/n.” Wendy said in a hostile tone of voice. “She did have a good speech, why don't you give her a chance.” the boy beside wendy whispered to wendy. “No way am I letting a girl like her on the Student Council.” Wendy said and Y/n grabbed her back up and left the cafeteria. 

“Damn it! Now what am i going to do?” Y/n said and walked behind the school. She sets her backpack down and leans against the wall. She puts her hands on her face and sighed loudly. 

“I've tried everything, not even the anime club wanted me. What the hell am i supposed to do now? I can't go into My Senior Year without being a part of the clubs.” Y/n rubbed the back of her neck and looked up to the sky. “It's all your fault!” she yelled and got up, looking at the sky with anger in her eyes. “If it was destiny then so be it! Fuck you! I want to do something for once! I don't want to be forgotten, alone.” she said and a tear fell down her cheek. 

“Damn, I think I looked at the sun.” she said as she wiped her tears away, the stinging sensation on her eyes, burning. “I want to do something for someone at least.” she said and the clouds grew darker, the dark greys and blues covering the sky all so sudden. She looked up and around her. “What the-” a Thunder boom crashing into the city scaring her out of her shoes. 

She grabbed her backpack and tried to make a run for it back to class. Until she noticed a piece of paper on the ground. The small pictures and words she recognized reading for the first time in years. “Is that... Diary of a Wimpy Kid?” she said and grabbed the paper. The thunder and lightning booming louder around her. “It was sunny just a few minutes ago! What’s going- On!” she noticed an alleyway that appeared to be in the walls. 

“Should I go into the alley way? No! But.. I've seen movies! This is like an adventure comedy right? God, I hope i don't die.” she said and a thunder boom bursted in the sky. She ran into the alley way and held the paper to her chest. As she ran in the alley way, the light faded and she was unable to see what was infront of her. “Where are you leading me - Destiny!” she had taken a step forward and was falling down god knows where. 

“Somebody help me!” she screamed, attempting to grab something to stop her from falling. 

Her body spun around in the air as she continued to fall down. “If i knew i was just as dumb as Alice, i wouldnt have gone in the alley way. Now i'm gonna die!” she yelled and looked down. A rose bush down below her, she held her body in fetal position and fell into the roses. “Ow! Jeez could it have been anything other than a rose bush!” she yelled and groaned in pain. She limped out of the bush and examined her cuts from the thorns. She looked down and saw the ripped page from a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book she grabbed behind her school a few moments ago. She picked it up and read it. 


Tuesday, September 7th
 First of all, I want to get something straight: this is a JOURNAL, not a diary. I know what it says on the cover but when Mom went out to buy this thing I SPECIFICALLY said to make sure it didn't say “diary” on it. So don't expect me to be all “dear diary this”  and “dear diary that”.


Y/n softly laughed at the page and looked around the place. It looked nothing like her neighborhood and school. “What am i doing here? what ever here is.” she said to herself and a man walked out of his home and yelled at her. “Look what you've done to my roses you Punk!” he yelled and she looked down at her feet to see the crushed roses.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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