A Pig, A Deer, and A Jaguar

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A/N: So this is a story based around this one fic I read on ao3 called Animal Planet, I would try to leave a link but Wattpad is not letting me, anyway, you should check it out it's really good and very funny if you ask me

It was morning, the start of a brand new day and Rhodes had just gotten into work.

It was certainly a surprise for Rhodes when he entered Tony's enclosure for feeding time, and he was met with the sight of Tony snuggling up to a tiny piglet, grooming it, and nuzzling it gently.

It was not really something he was expecting to see, given that he had never seen any other animal beside Tony inside of this enclosure. Well, Tony and of course, Stephen...

But, he did NOT like to think about that time.

Rhodes would later find out about the origins of the piglet and Tony's impromptu adoption of said piglet from a fellow employee of the Zoo, May, or Aunty May as many liked to call her, and also by looking at the security footage from the night before.

Long story short the Piglet, nicknamed Peter Porker, was donated to the Zoo after it being discovered to be the runt of the litter. The farm owners figured that it would make for a fun addition to the petting zoo section.

As for Tony's part in this tale: During the night before it seemed that Tony had escaped from his enclosure and wandered around.

It was nothing unusual for the deer to wander around the Zoo on occasion, he actually did it all the time. This time, he just happened to get into the petting zoo. From there the deer somehow got into the place where the animals were sleeping to find one lone piglet, away from the others, trying to sleep in the corner of the area.

Tony immediately bonded to the creature.

Tony got into the area and sat beside the piglet, nudging awake.

From there it seemed to only take an hour or two for Peter to imprint on the deer, and believe Tony to be his parent.

Later Tony had got up and lead Peter to his own habitat, to which the piglet responded by following along closely.

This leads up all to now, where Rhodes stood at the enclosure's entrance, staring confusedly at the sight before him.


Tony seemed to notice the man's presence, getting up and trotting over happily. The piglet scuttling after in close pursuit.

Rhodes knelt down "um, hi there buddy, you got a little friend?" he reached over and pat Peter's head "You're a cute little guy" he baby-talked.

Rhodes chuckled. "Ok, well, ready for your bottle?" He asked, holding the object out.

For a moment, Tony did nothing, but then he backed away. This sort of concerned Rhodes, Tony only really did that when he was getting fussy, or when he was annoyed about something. But then Tony got behind the piglet, nudging him forward toward the bottle.

Ohh, Rhodes saw what was going here.

The piglet looked up at Tony, confused.

Tony nodded toward the bottle, but the pig didn't seem to get the idea.

Tony then leaned his head forward, over Peter, and drank a few sips from the bottle, demonstrating to the baby what he should do. That seemed to get the pig to understand.

He scoohed forward and began to succle happily on the bottle, with Tony standing proudly behind.

Honestly, Rhodes' could just die, this was too adorable. He guessed he was no longer mama Rhodes, but now, grandmama Rhodes.

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