We met and we didn't click

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I would always curl up on my bed and read all the romance novels that I would get my hands on whilst divulging huge mountains of junk food, very healthy. I would stay awake hours after reading my last book ,dreaming about my love story ,I would wonder would mine play out like molly in straight out of a movie which was my favourite book at the moment but then they changed every time I read a new one which was every day.

This was the summer that I got to live out my story.

"Wake up Carly, you are so going to be late" said my best friend.

It took me a minute before I could register was she was talking about.

"Oh snap" I cried out. "Why didn't the alarm sound off? Jamie is going to skin me alive"

Jamie Ryder was my friend and neighbour but our relationship was more on the neighbourly side. He was my ride to and from school every day because our dads were best friends and so kind of expected us to be the same but that was never the case. I really didn't like Jamie, he always was so cold towards me so he gave me no reason to be very cheerful every time I saw him. I had internally agreed to be civil towards him because I really loved my dad and liked to see him happy.

My best friend and I hurried downstairs and grabbed an apple and waved goodbye to my dad in unison. We rushed to the car and threw ourselves in the backseat of Jamie's car.

"Hey Ry-deeeerrr"said Lyn in a singy songey voice, kindly.

She was always rather nice to everyone

Lyn became my best friend instantly in kindergarten because I really liked her. Something about her reminded me about my Mom, she was very loud and very giggly even when you don't tell a joke, and she just laughs at anything worth laughing at. I think that is the first thing that caught my eye about her. She just exuded a confidence I really liked.

Jamie kept quiet.it was his way of showing he was upset.

We did arrive at school, running only three red lights. At least we didn't die, I thought.

"Hey Carlyle, make sure you are on time after school"

Everyone called me Carly instead of Carlyle ,which came from my love of a character in a kids show from my childhood but Jamie called me Carlyle and he knew I didn't like being called that, even my dad didn't call me that.

"Yeah sure, Jam Jam" I shouted back mockingly. His mom, Laurel used to call him that but he hated that. It seemed the perfect comeback.

The day seemed to move pretty fast, every class I had was enjoyable. Something you wold never hear a high schooler saying. My friends thought I was weird for enjoying school but I didn't mind.

The only part of the day that I hated was when Lyn and I would have to wait for Jamie to finish football practice.

This was because firstly, we would have to watch all the cheerleader girls throw themselves at the boys, mostly Jamie. I didn't mind them throwing themselves at him, what I did mind was the death stares they shot at me. Secondly after every game he would run up to me and hug Lyn and me with his sweaty body. I mean it was a good looking body but it was sweaty and secondly it was Jamie how is that for super gross, I thought.

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