"Couldn't Save Myself From You"

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A loud resounding noise echoed the around room. It was empty. It was silent. Once a warehouse, now abandoned. Mikan Tsumiki, also known as the ultimate nurse was sprawled on grimy floor. Her once clean and professional appearance was replaced with a dirty, disheveled one. This didn't seem to phase the plum-haired girl. Her mind and focus was on someone else entirely, her beloved..

Junko Enoshimna, The ultimate despair.

"Why do you keep following me Tsumiki-san, hmmmm?" The pink haired woman drawled out in a very high and amused voice. She dropped her innocent act andstarted to kick Tsumiki's floored form. The plum-haired girl felt the sharp, resounding pain all over her body. her apron was ripped, her hair was disheveled. She looked like an absolute mess. Her breaths were short and forced. The dirt and dust she was inhaling didn't help. "i-its because.." Tsumiki squeaked. She couldn't bring herself to face the pink-haired girl. A long pause filled the air. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Enoshima was waiting in anticipation, obviously not very patient. Tsumiki's eyes traveled up to Enoshima's face. "i-I l-love you.. " The plumed hair girl winced, squeezing her eyes shut. The pain was unbearable. Yet the girl got through it without a complaint, all for my beloved...

The pink-haired woman laughed. A laugh that wasn't pleasant at all. Tsumiki's lips trembled with tears threatening to escape her eyes. "you love me? That's some cute shit" Junko said, grabbing a handful of the girl's hair. Tsumiki took a sharp breath, earning the crazed laugh from the other woman. "Not gonna say anything, huh? Hehehe~" Junko giggled, pulling roughly on the floored girl's hair. Tsumiki's eyes welled up with tears as pained sounds escaped her mouth. "Oh boo boo! Are you crying?" The pink haired girl asked, feigning concern. Kneeling in front of Tsumiki and hugging her tightly. Digging her long red nails into the plum-haired girl's back. The plum-haired girl's tears were uncontrollable at this point. "P-please f-forgive me!" The plum haired girl wailed. Sobbing into her hands.

"Forgive you?" She laughed darkly. She pushed Tsumiki off and stood up. The plum-haired girl was confused. She looked up at the other woman's face, asking for forgiveness. "Get the hell out of my sight" She said roughly pulling on Tsumiki's hair and dropping her. Through the tears and pain, Tsumiki scrambled, attempting her best to get up. In response to this, Enoshima kicked the helpless nurse to the once again, leaving her sore body on the dirty floors. She smiled. "Listen rat, don't come near me again you hear?" She said, popping a piece of gum into her mouth. The plum-haired girl groaned. Giving up and layed helplessly on the grimy ground. A satisfied smile formed on Junko's face. She chuckled darkly and left the ultimate nurse all alone.


The plum-haired girl was in distress. She was in the middle of a class trial. Her class trial. No one was there to help her, or guide her. Not even the people she considered her 'friends'. She was utterly helpless.

Everything she did was for her beloved. Why wouldn't they forgive her? They never ever forgave her..  No one did. She didn't deserve this. Did she deserve this?  This was the internal battle Tsumiki faced. Tears welled in her eyes. Her attempts on asking for forgiveness were fruitless. They wouldn't. Her beloved wasn't like them though, she'd forgive her and hug her. Tell her everything was fine. It didn't matter anymore anyway. Monokuma and her so called 'classmates' were going to execute her. She sighed. So this is despair.. It filled her to the brim. She was going to die. She let out a hopeless, breathy laugh. But it was worth it. She did it for her..

Her beloved.

"Couldn't Save Myself From you" 'Junkan' angstWhere stories live. Discover now