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A nice weather and nice food on the table. The boys were ready to go when Yoongi suddenly talked.

"When is Taehyung coming in?" He asked the group of boys eating at the table.

"He's coming today?" Jimin asked placing down his now empty rice cup.

"According to the schedule, yes" Namjoon had said unsure.

The topic of Taehyung hasn't been easy among the boys. He was talented. They all can see the potential in him. But there was so much angst inside him that he was hard to bear at times.

In the eyes of the other boys Taehyung had it always easy. He got into the company debut line up easily, not because he wanted to, just because he got the chance for which rest of the boys had to struggle day and night.

No, none of the boys were jealous of the fact Taehyung had it easy but it was more of Taehyung's attitude that was hard to bear for them.

Taehyung being one among the youngest. At first the boys were quick to judge him and his attitude. But it was later that the boys knew why Taehyung ended up how he was, but that still didn't stop their teenage brains disliking him a little.


It was one of those days that the boys were anticipating to finally see their last member which was announced belatedly. But instead of Taehyung it was their old and rusted manager who came into the view of the six pair of curious eyes.

"Hi boys" the manager started holding a dark folder which was emitting unpleasant aura from it.

"Taehyung will be moving into the Dorm with you all tomorrow" he added looking gloomy.

"But before that" he paused. Making everyone shift nervously knowing the bomb is about to drop any second but also fidget in anticipation.

"You all need to know few things about him, apart from the little things you know about" was the most ominous statement the boys the whole day.

"I'm sure you all might have noticed but Taehyung does have some issues with opening up, with time we will see if he actually has any mental issues but for now, he's cleared by the company. So even if you didn't like him you have to bear with it and live with him" manager stated as a matter of fact.

"we don't hate him. He's a bit different. We just wish he would tell us what bothers him so, it's easier for us to understand him" Hobi talked for everyone.

Everyone had struggled with Taehyung. Boy, was he talented yes, he was out of the world gorgeous too. A rich baritone voice and perfect face and slender but muscular body

But it was always the communication which had issues when it comes to Taehyung. He never opens up, never eats with the boys, never showers with them. Once he's done his part of training, he will be first to leave. He never looks square up to anyone. Only follow instructions like he was robot made to follow instructions.

But in BigHit they were told the success doesn't come from talent only. For a group it heavily relies on the close knitting of the group. The boys were all. Used to each other and in the years of training with each other they had somewhat fallen in the living caring stage of family with each other.

But as for Taehyung they don't get more than two words out of him which was gradually shutting them all.

The only person who talks to Taehyung willingly now was Namjoon maybe only because he had to as the leader

"So, now coming to Taehyung personal life, this might help you understand him bit more" their manager started "he's an orphan"

Everyone stilled in their spots. No one dared to move.

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