Chapter One

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1 week of school left. Just 1 week. Then, I'll finally be free to actually move on with my life.

The sun shone in through the tiny gap in my bedroom curtains and landed directly in my eyes. I sat up and rubbed the dark blotches out of my retinas before looking at my clock. 7.35am. Well there's no use in trying to get back to sleep now.

The cold air hit my body as I flipped the covers off and got out of bed. My hair was stuck to my face and my T-shirt was half way up my back. I sniffed and slowly walked out the door and downstairs.

Mum, who was usually cooking breakfast, was nowhere to be found. The newspaper was lying on the mat next to the door, which was wide open.

In attempt to find Mum, I peered outside and was blinded by the sun. I put my hand in front of my eyes and walked down the path. I heard 3 voices from around the corner, one of them was Mum, but the other 2 I'm not sure.

"Mum?" I said, still unable to move my hand from my face.

"Oh, and here she is now! Rachel, this is George and Olivia Harrison. They're our new neighbours." I managed to move my hand away for just long enough to get a quick glimpse of their faces. They both looked strangely familiar, and their names sounded familiar too.

"George Harrison... where have I heard your name before?" Everyone laughed loudly, except for me, who was still trying to think who these people were.

"Lovely to meet you, Rachel. Your Mum's been telling us you're interested in music?" Shit, now I remember. He was in that one band from the 60's. That's just great. Here I am in front of one of the biggest musicians in the world with my pyjama shirt half way up my back and my hair going in 50 different directions.

I stood in silence for a few seconds trying to process what the fuck is happening, until Mum nudged me in my ribs and gave me a death stare.

"Y-yeah... actually. I play a bit of guitar."

"Oh yeah? Well, give us a shout if you need any pointers." George winked at me and smiled. My stomach flipped and filled with butterflies. What was that? I smiled back and looked at the floor, hoping no one could see me blushing madly.

"I will, thanks. Uh... I should probably get going now. School starts soon."

"Ok, it was a pleasure meeting you."

"You too!" I practically ran in the house and up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I leaned against the door and stood still for a few seconds, thinking about what just happened. He's like 40 odd years old- not to mention he has a fucking wife.

I tried my best to shake off the fluttering feeling in my stomach, but nothing seemed to work. I should probably get ready for school now anyway.

I went into the bathroom and quickly got washed. It's boiling hot outside, so I decided I'm gonna wear a white, knee-length floral dress, a belt, and a cropped leather jacket. For my feet, I went with a pair of black boots and socks that went just above the top of my shoes. I'm not gonna wear a lot of makeup because of the heat, so I applied a bit of concealer under my eyes and on a few blemishes and topped it off with some nude lipstick.

I went downstairs and put my lunch in my bag along with my books. I grabbed an apple, which I'll eat on the way to school, and my guitar. I put my backpack over my shoulder and went outside. I'm pretty sure Mum was still talking to the Harrison's, so I didn't want to disturb them. I began eating my apple as I slowly walked to school.

I was only walking for 5 minutes before I finished my apple, and, my arm started aching- my guitar was really heavy. I only have music twice a week so I didn't have to carry it everyday, but it's still really heavy.

I shit myself as a horn beeped next to me. I couldn't see who it was until they put the window down.

"D'ya want a lift, Rachel, love?" It was George.

"Um... no thanks, Mr Harrison. I wouldn't wanna be an inconvenience." 

"It's no trouble, I'm dropping Dhani off at school and yours is on the way." I looked around and saw George's son, who was maybe about 8, sitting in the back and staring back at me. Great, he's got a son as well. As much as I don't want to be in the same place as George for more than 5 minutes, my guitar is heavy as fuck and my arms are killing me.

"Hmm... if you're so sure. Where should I put this?" I held up my guitar for George to see.

"Ah." He clicked the boot open and got out, taking my guitar and bag from me and putting them in. He came to the passenger side and opened my door for me. I once again blushed madly before saying thank you and getting in.

"Hi, Dhani." I turned and waved at him as I put my seatbelt on. He smiled, waved and said hello back. Bless him. George got back in the car, fastened his seatbelt and pulled away from the curb. This can only go horribly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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