Origins part 1 chapter 1

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Alya woke up to the sound of her majestia alarm, majestia is her favourite superhero and quotes her on the daily. She groaned and got up, she was starting a new school today. Alya wasn't scared at all, normally people would be scared to go to school on their first day but it just felt right for her. She woke up her little sisters Ella and Etta and told them to get ready for primary school while her father was at the zoo and her mom was cooking. She said goodbye to everyone and left her apartment. The school wasn't that far away, it was just a few streets away and it would take 15 minutes maximum to arrive but she knew she wouldn't be late.

As she was getting closer she was getting a bit more nervous, what if nobody liked her? What if people bullied her? She shook off all of her worries and remembered that she has a self worth and shouldn't care what other people thinks, like majestia said, that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing." If people are mean she could clap back not like it's hard. While walking, she saw this old man's walking stick drop and him struggle to pick it up, people were just walking by not helping him, she ran over to him and helped him up and have him his stick back "are you alright sir?" She said "oh yes dear I am quite alright thank you young lady" the man said, he looked quite peculiar for a Parisian, he was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt , that's not something you see everyday.


Nino got out of bed after an all nighter working on a new music composition, he was trying to make a remix for cupids chokehold and bubblegum bitch and spent all night doing it, while brushing his teeth he put on his headphones and started listening to the remix. "This is one of my best remixes dude" he said to himself while checking himself out in the mirror. "MOM!! I'm off to school dudette!" He called out to his mom "oh yeah and bye Chris!" He said putting on his headphones again. He lived quite far away from the school, not that he cared, he's known for being late so who cares if he takes his sweet time?

While waiting for the lights to change at the crossing he noticed this old man crossing the road slowly with a car a few metres away from hitting him, he grabbed his hand and moved him onto the pavement before he could get hit, go Nino! "Thank you young man!" The old man said, Nino looked him up and down, he looked strange but a good type of strange..


Alya got to class and sat in the front row, she could hear this girl being rude to a girl for sitting in the seat she wanted, "So why don't you just go and sit beside that new girl over there? Listen, Adrien's arriving today, and since that's going to be his seat, this is going to be my seat. Get it?" She said to the girl pointing at me. "But Chloe this has always been my seat.." the girl said, Alya looked over, the girl had pigtails and looked very stressed out. She decided to go over to the girl and ask her to sit with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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