Part 1 "How it all started"

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  Keiji walked down the cold street, everything seeming like a gray blur. It was raining and he was in a rush to get home, he had been warned not to roam alone for too long. He rushed home and opened the door to his house, a well lit household that gave off a feel of comfort, though everything was still blurred. His parents greeted him with warm smiles, his father being a very warm and welcoming fellow, he had a kind smile and dressed very simplistic, his mother had been a beacon of energy and joy, she had always been very excited over the little things in life. It was a happy life they lived. He greeted them cheerfully with a hug, despite being soaked. He was about to run upstairs when someone else had walked through the door that he forgot to lock. His parents ordered him to go upstairs and to his room. He did so, very confused on the situation but trusting his parents.
  The stairs creaked beneath his feet he remembered, he felt the urge to go quickly. He sat in his room in silence, hearing hushed conversation that he couldn't make out. Then a ear piercing sound slammed into his ears, or, so it felt that way. Then another, Keiji covered his ears, it was a loud painful sound that anyone could recognize and take with a strong feel of sorrow. Keiji burst out of his room and ran down the stairs.
  But as he ran downstairs he fell, tumbling down and down the stairs and hitting a wall eventually. His vision was even more blurry and his ears rang. He couldn't speak, or do anything really as he saw what had happened to his parents.  A revolver lay by them, he didn't want to look, so he squeezed his eyes shut to hear the door open one more time. He slightly opened his eyes and...
  Keiji awoke in an alleyway to his friend; Kaya shaking him with his foot. "Can't believe you fell asleep, it's only been 15 minutes." Kaya said to Keiji with his rather bad English accent he picked up living in the UK, Keiji slowly got up, "Are we going now?" Keiji asked, holding his head, not feeling too well after the bad memory dream.
  "I'd assume so." Kaya replied, Kaya was something you'd see everyday, his main style of choice wearing casual clothes and acting casual while being armed with a rocket launcher in each arm. Keiji didn't know how he did it but he somehow was able to be decently mobile and have ok aim with this. He was exactly 6 feet tall, was in good shape, had black hair and brown eyes as well as constant burns along his copper colored skin, he lived in Britain but wasn't born there.
  "I'll get to making us a dramatic entrance if you're ready. I seriously recommend having a better plan but it won't be me getting my butt kicked." Kaya replied, shrugging.
  Keiji looked at his hand, grasping a wooden blade in his hands, he had been working on his fighting ability and now thought he could handle clearing a few rooms without killing anyone, that shows how much he had been training. "Go for it," he ordered grinning, "Because I think you underestimate what I can do." holding the long wooden sword at ready, it wasn't edged and was truly made for training but, he didn't want to kill a single man in there, he felt he didn't need to become the monster that they were.
  Kaya grinned and pointed his two rockets forward at a building a decent while away. He squeezed both triggers as both rockets flew into the building causing a crash, it was lucky the base was out in the middle of nowhere, an abandoned wreck that used to be a city. Keiji rushed into the smoke, cautiously entering with his sword held up. He saw the shadow of a figure and burst into action, leaping forward and striking swiftly and strongly with the wooden training sword, once he knew he hit something he kicked out and slashed again, but this time he did not get the satisfying hit. In fact the blade was yanked out of his hands, it caught him off guard as he felt a strong force strike his stomach, it was so strong it sent him flying back, causing him to land outside the building in the leftover rubble from the explosion. He groaned as he sat up, his back hurt a ton due to his landing and the blow disorientated him. The figure walked out of the smoke, they wore a basic suit and tie with a fedora like black hat. Their hands had a semi transparent purple orb surrounding them, he was fascinated yet scared, this was no ordinary human. Kaya grabbed Keiji and pulled him up onto his feet.
  "We have to go" Keiji stated as his own wooden practice blade was thrown back at him at a great speed, almost hitting him in the head as Kaya and Keiji stumbled backwards, starting to run away. The man pulled out a revolver and pulled the hammer back.
  Kaya pushed Keiji away from the scene and fire a rocket at the man, before murmuring "Go go go" the man appeared to be caught off guard by the explosion and had been delayed, giving a perfect escape opportunity. Though they weren't expecting another one to catch up with them. Another figure was suddenly in the way, wearing the same clothes but his features were more obscured by the shadows.
   "Going somewhere?" they asked with a smug tone lifting their hand up as a metal chain that seemed to be made of pure light burst from the ground and snapped out at Kaya, hitting him in the cheek and causing him to fall on the ground, a burn forming on his cheek. Keiji stopped in his tracks and stood there, frozen with shock, how could this be happening? This isn't real it's just a dream. There was no way all the intense training he went through would result in this. Keiji looked at his friend then back at the still obscured figure.
   "I'm waiting." they spoke sarcastically, as if they expected Keiji to have some secret he hadn't used yet. Keiji closed his eyes and took a deep breath before running forward at them, another chain burst out from the ground and almost hit him, but he quickly dodged to the side, catching himself with a roll as he leapt up and was about to bring his fist down on the figures strangely still obscured face when the other man kicked Keiji straight out of the air, the purple bubble was around his foot and looked to have exploded when it hit Keiji, sending him flying into a nearby abandoned building, he collapsed, somehow not out cold yet as the man took out the revolver again and aimed it at Keiji's face. Keiji had the same memory as the one in his dream again and squeezed his eyes shut. But instead of a gunshot he heard, it was a devastating smack with something metal. Then some more action sounds before it was quickly over. Keiji opened his eyes to see a man with a black steel bo staff in his hand, they wore dark 1920s era clothes and had bandages wrapped around their entire face, yet they could still see. The 2 people who had beaten Kaya and Keiji lay on the floor now, twitching slightly, though not deceased at all. Keiji didn't get it, but that was fine with him, this person had helped them, well, he hoped at least.
   They walked over to Keiji and held out a hand to help him up "I'm astonished on how you're still conscious chap. Or even alive for that matter, for someone with such low durability as yourself." they spoke with a cheery tone.
   Keiji gratefully took their hand and stood, stumbling a bit as he did so, he wanted to speak but something told him he couldn't. He pointed to Kaya, who was curled up in a ball, wincing at the burn on his cheek. "Oh, we should probably help him hm?" the bandaged man said, walking over to Kaya and examining him while putting his bo staff away in a sort of sheath on his back.
   "If you don't mind, we should get going before the others on the upper floor catch up." The bandaged person stated, as they picked up Kaya and put him on his shoulders.
   "Where?" Keiji asked.
   "I don't know, where do we want to go?" He replied.
   Keiji thought for a moment "Somewhere safe." he finally answered with a rather serious face.
   "That doesn't help in the slightest, just follow me." The bandaged man remarked, as he started to run away, expecting Keiji to follow, this caught Keiji off guard but he ran after him anyways. Keiji didn't know what was happening yet, but something in his life would definitely change in this moment.

(Woo first part done, don't know why that took forever but anyways, enjoy maybe.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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