Ochako Urakara

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Urakara was walking along the sidewalk to the mall to get groceries (and maybe find something not expensive for herself). She was right outside the entrance when a portal appeared right in front of her. She tried to stop walking but couldn't and ran straight into the portal.

"Oh great," she thought, " I was hoping not to run into the league today but we can't always get what we want,"

As Urakara stumbled through the portal, she noticed something weird. The things looked weird. Like... things that looked like plants seemed like you could see most of it in one look. She looked at her hands, the had lines on them! She looked at her fingers, there was a weird swirly thing on them. ( It looked like a fingerprint)

She decided that she shouldn't focus on things like this and focus on her surroundings.
"Okay, it will be better if I look at the whole place from the top" she put her hands together tried to fly... but it didn't work. It was like her quirk was canceled

She took a deep breath and said, " Hello! Is anyone there?"

She heard mumbling and then rushed footsteps. A sweet looking guy with brown hair, a button down shirt, and glasses ran towards her and said, " It worked! Guys, come here!" The guy looked towards her and said, " I can believe it! It worked! And-" The guy looked back at her, realizing who she was. " Oh, nevermind guys, it's just the little spoiled brat."

" Uh, hi! I'm Ochako-"

"Yeah, yeah, we know who you are. You 'OcHaKo UrAkArA', the 'sweet' girl who's a hero for money & claims it to be for her broke parents"

"How did they know that? The only people I told that to was Iida- kun and Deku-kun. And they don't seem like the type of people to tell others about this kind of thing,"

The light copper haired girl looked back, this time there were around 16 more people.

Urakara: Ho- how do you know about that?

Toxic TodoDeku Shipper 1: *Snort* Yeah, you are in another universe where you and your friends lives are part of an anime.

Urakara: Anime?

Toxic BakuDeku Shipper 1: How dumb can you be? Anime is what your world looks like, 2D. Also, your lives are part of a TV show

Urakara was about to say, " Whats 2D?" But then thought better of it. Instead she said, "Who's the main character?"

Toxic TodoBakuDeku Shipper 1: Deku, and for your information, Deku doesn't like you and never will. In fact, all of your classmates talk about you behind your back. Even the teachers talk about how useless you are. How can you even deal with knowing that Todoroki, Bakugou, and Deku will get together? Oh that's right! It's because you're a little bitch who has no soul.

Urakara: Okay, first things first, my friends would o- obviously n-never do that! And secondly, I'm p-perfectly fine with Deku-kun being gay!

Toxic TodoBakuDeku Shipper 1: You should believe us. We have proof too, you know how it seems like everyone is talking about you? Well they are. Look, video proof,
The toxic TodoBakuDeku shipper pulled out a phone with a very good edited video of everyone bad mouthing Urakara.

Urakara felt like she was going to cry.

TodoDeku Shipper 1: Hey! Stop it! She never did anything to you! And that video is obviously edited!


"Ey! Where's Pink Cheeks? She should have been back half an hour ago!" Asked the blonde haired boy with anger issues

"GASP! Is Bakubro worried for someone!"

Bakugou got angry, & yelled, "Shut up Shitty Hair!"

Me: I'ma start some drama


With Urakara a Few Minutes Earlier

Toxic BakuDeku Shipper 2: See! I like BakuDeku better but this is close! See! Todoroki, Bakugou, and Deku are dating!

BakuDeku shipper"CAN YOU JUST SHUT UP! It's because of all of you toxic shippers that so many people are leaving the fandom. Can you for ONCE in your life not be an asshole!

As the two argued, Urakara believed the Toxic shippers more and more as the minutes passed by.

* Poof *

Back in present time

Urakara came back to the dorms as soon as someone said "Urakara" but stopped mid-sentence as soon as they saw her

" So you guys do talk about me behind my back," said Urakara with tears in her eyes.

"Wha- no we don't Urakara- San!" Said Deku.

"*Snort* yeah right, at first I found a video of you guys talking about me behind my back but I decided that you guys were good friends and wouldn't do that, but then you guys were talking about me and then stopped when you saw me. I think I have enough proof. I thought you guys were my friends, but know I know you're just a bunch of fake fucking friends."

(Now, she doesn't believe that that Todoroki, Bakugou, & Deku are dating because it seemed their personas were very different that their original selves & it ws very badly edited, unlike the video of them back talking her)

"Uraraka we do not use this language in this dorm roo-" started Iida

" Shut up Iida" Urakara snapped, " Look, I'm really tired and do NOT want to deal with any of you back stabbers right now. So can you just leave me alone! Thanks."

Urakara stormed up the stairs as each and everyone of the students of class 1A stood there, wondering what happened to the sweet, bubbly, caramel haired girl who was always happy and never lost her temper

A/N: Phew, I'm done with chapter one. As you can see, this isn't like most reaction books where the characters see something or hear something and they just move on. No, no, no. This has a very important storyline and has aftermath of what happens. I also may miss a few characters due to them not being in the show enough. For example, Hagakure, Sato, Ojiro, Kouda, Shouji, Sero, & maybe Aoyama & Mineta. Also, wow. I got 7 followers. That may not be a big deal to you but it is to me. Thank you so much for the support of saying my stories are good or you just find my comments funny, you have no idea how much it means to me. And now I'm just trying to get to 1000 words because why not. Anyways, goodbye, good, great, people! I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Bye!

Edit: Looking back at this chapter I can see, it was VERY confusing. I also noticed some errors like persona wise & other things. Soooooo yeah, anyways, bye!

Edited: May 25 2021

Published: I forgot when this was published

Word count: 1136 words

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