Chapter 1: Adopted?!

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Limón sat on his perch, waiting to be adopted. All of his siblings were already adopted. Limón sat there looking at the other birds being held by kids. Oh how he wished that was him....

Angel: Limón?! Hello? Are you listening to me?! 

Limón: AAAAAAA sorry Angel I wasn't paying attention heh

Angel looked at him with a disappointed look. Angel was Limón's cage mate. She was his best friend. Suddenly limón saw a kid walk into the aisle.

Angel: A kid! Quick limón try to look cute! Like me! Although that must be hard....

Limón: Hey! What's that supposed to mean!

Angel quickly stood on her perch and spread her beautiful wings out. Angel always knew how to attract kids yet none of them ever adopted us. 

???: Mom I like these two! They look so pretty!

???: Alright honey we can get these two!

Limón looked at angel with a look of hope. Were they finally getting adopted!? After about two minutes of excitement, the pet store keeper took limón and angel out of their cage and put them in some weird carrier. Limón couldn't believe it! After all these years!

Angel: Wow! I can't wait to see our new cage!!

Limón: Me too! I hope it's nice and full of toys!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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