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                                                                           8 years ago(bakugo is 7)

"bye sweetheart we just got a call from work we need," She said with a sad smile "but you just got home mommy, "Bakugo said with a sad face"don't worry I will be back in a few hours," she said will waving." MOMMY, I LOVE YOU, GO KICK BUTT," Bakugo said with a smile while screaming out the window. Little did he know that was the last time he would see his mother...

                                                                                     bakugo pov

Little bakugo heard the door open and ran downstairs only to be greeted by a cop, not his mother." where is mommy" he said with a face of confusion. The cop looked at bakugo and said "I'm sorry but we came here to tell you that your mother got taken by the villains she was fighting"another cop came in and said "we think that they were after her levitation quirk".*in bakugo's mind *no she can't be gone she said she would come back."do y-you think she could still be a-alive" he said while sobbing." there is a chance she is but it is a very low one" ." we also came here to pick you up" the cop 1 said with a smile." C-can I live here still? " he said with a sad smile"maybe ill have to ask"cop 2 then called the police station and said"you can stay here but we will check on you 1 a week" he said with a smile.The next day he went to school and he had to walk because no one could drive him when he goes there he was greeted by the school bullies and they said: "let's be friends we seem like we would get along".After school, we would always go to the arcade until one day they started to avoid me and make mean statements about me. It was going somewhat good until they pushed me off a bridge laughed then left me in the water. this made me lose all hope I decided that being alone is better. But as I got out of the water I look over and see a girl with blonde hair like mine hair running crying. She seemed to be the same age as me she ran up to me and say help and ran behind my back hiding. I look across the river and see what appears to be her father saying "come back here you villain I wasn't done with you" she started crying saying "no, no no, please help me" she said while shaking in fear. I took her and started to run to a playground near the bride I bring there and we sit behind a bush and I look at her and say "why was he chasing after you" I said with a sincere smile" he is my father he hates me be-because it l-like a villain quirk" the mystery girl said, "what is your quirk" I look at her with a serious look ." I can t-tranform into people by drinking their blood...." she started to sob."w-what is your name"I asked."it is toga"

this is the end of part one sorry if this is bad it is my first story tell me what I can do to make it better thank you and bye(words used 544)

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