Chapter 1

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The swirling trees outside created beautiful sounds, the moon was still shining and some bird was hooting outside- probably the old grey owl. I was staring at the dark skies waiting for sleep to come with the little time I had before day breaks.
I could hear the muffled voices coming from my parents room next door, they were talking again. Like they did every early hours of the morning. They were trying to not let us in on whatever conversation they were having but I and my brother were up most of the time so it wasn't so discrete anymore.

4 hours later

'Taye, are you ready yet? You've got 5 minutes before we leave.'' My mother called from across the hallway.
I was scrolling through my phone looking for the OOTD on my pinterest page, it was cold for one so I was layering which was something I loved.

'Yes ma. I'll be out in a minute.' I replied, grabbing a black bodyhug turtle neck, my deep blue mum jean and thick jean jacket which I stole from Emma, my brother.

'More like in the next hour.' Emma yelled opening my room door abruptly and throwing his stress ball at me. I yelped trying to dodge the ball but stabbed my toe on edge of the plastic chair .

'Emmaaaa.' I screamed

'Emma, stop bullying your sister. Taye stop being a cry baby. It's too early for that.'

I rolled my eyes and put on my clothes, I kneeled down to look for my shoes under my closet and pulled out the black chelsea boots- which are my favourite by the way. I got them at a thrift shop and for some reasons they were brand new when I saw them. Grace, my neighborhood friend and I had to beg the sales guy to sell it at a lower price since I really needed it. I literally had to empty my purse and pockets. Ah, wonderful memories.
I grabbed my tote bag and put in my files, new books and my digital tablet. It was my first day at school and I doubt that classes for freshers are going to hold so I have to keep myself busy.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, I was your average Nigerian girl. With Caramel skin, a bit of already fading dark spots on my right cheek, small eyes that would get lost in my face if I squinted too hard and plumpy lips, that got several people attracted for some reason.  I hated it but what gives,  I dont own that much money to have a surgery....yet. Staring at the tall skinny girl in the mirror, I looked at the grey sticky note at the edge of my mirror and repeated what it said 'Kick ass'.

'If you don't get down now mums actually going to kick your ass.' Emma said and put on his earphones.



The drive to school was a bit short, fifteen minutes max including the time mum had to drop by the bookstore to get some supplies. Until now I was calm about starting university, eeek. The place I've heard things about. I was excited and really nervous at the same time since I don't know anyone or anything here. Emma, was going to the main campus which was an hour drive from here so he wasn't going to show me around and mum was keen on me finding my way by myself.

'You're a big girl now.' Her words, not mine. Okay maybe In the act of proving how I can act maturely I might have used the phrase as a concluding fact and now it's my word against me.

'Bye, have a great day and call me when you're done.' Mum gave me her famous 'YOU CAN DO IT' smiles before zooming off.

I stood in front of the gates, staring at it monstrous height, it took me back into a movie I had seen where the house swallowed kids and I could feel how those kids were terrified when they were eaten. I was so lost in my thought that I closed my eyes and hadn't heard when my name was called.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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