He's spoiling me (1/5)

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"Wake up beautiful, all your stuff is here" You hear a voice

You didn't want to open your eyes, it was way to bright and you wanted to get more sleep

"I'm tired" You mumble

"I know, just get some sleep" The voice says as it fades away

You continued sleeping peacefully until you kept hearing your phone go crazy

"What the fuck, I'm just trying to sleep" You say in a angry tone

You snatch your phone off the charger

It was Mia, she was blowing your phone up

You quickly call her

"Y/N where are you!!?" She yells

"Calm down, I'm with Daisuke why?" You ask

"Have you seen the media, everyone's talking about him and his new girl!" Mia says with excitement

"DAISUKE" You yell

Daisuke quickly ran into the room with a confused look on his face, "What?"

"Why's the media talking about you and your new girl??" You ask him in a serious tone

Daisuke grins at you, then just walks away

"That mother-"

"Well you seem okay, so I'll just talk to you later when you have time for me in your busy rich girl life" Mia jokes

"Stop, Mia I'll always have time for you" You say in a gentle tone

"I know that, Now enjoy yourself because when I see you I want a whole story time" Mia says in an excited tone

"Yeah, okay love you" You say before hanging up

You threw your head into the pillow

you were so tired and your body still felt some type of way after last night

"Hungry?" Daisuke asks you while standing between the doorway

You look back at him, then let out a groan throwing your head back into the pillow

You hear him laughing, then walking away

You remember mostly everything from last night, but what could've happened to make him want to tell everyone about you?

"I'm yours Daisuke" you moan to yourself

"I love you too?" you whisper

"Did I actually say all that??" You question yourself

You couldn't tell if you did a good thing or a bad thing

Did you even really love him, or was it just an in the moment thing?

Why did you say those things to him!

"I'm such a idiot" You say to beat yourself up

"An idiot, I wouldn't say that." You hear Daisuke say

He walked toward the bed, sliding his slippers off getting inside

He pulls you closer to him

You lay your head on his chest, "I'm going to spoil you today!" You say mocking his words from the night before

"I am spoiling you, we can't go anywhere since you cant walk" he says

"I can walk" you say in a serious tone

You try to move your legs but you couldn't

You liked the feeling of laying on his chest and just being around him

Maybe you did mean it when you said "I love you too"

You dig your head in his chest wrapping your arm around his neck

You roll over on top of him, and look up into his eyes

He just stared at you, with the look of happiness in his eyes

You lift yourself up giving him a small kiss on the lips then quickly falling back down

You felt drained, you didn't feel like doing anything but falling asleep on top of him

"Get some rest, because we are doing something tonight" Daisuke says as he starts rubbing your back

"Where?" you mumble

"Somewhere special, I hope you have everything you need because we won't be here for a few days" He says

"HUH?" You ask

"We're going on a little vacation!"

To be continued...

𝕄𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕖:𝕊𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕖Where stories live. Discover now