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This morning I woke up to a bucket of cold water being dumped on my head by my annoying twin brother Jace. I jumped out of bed and he ran out of the room after tossing a small box at me.

"Happy birthday Ruby! Just let me get downstairs before you open your present and burst my eardrums." That one comment made me want to open it immediately. He sprinted down the stairs as I opened up the small package. There were six tickets to an Imagine Dragons concert. I jumped up and down yelling, “I have the best twin in the world!”

"Yes, yes you do. By the way where is my present?" Jace said looking through my hollowed out books.

I picked up one of my soccer trophies and puller out a small box and handed it to him.

"Open it and don't crush me with a hug." I instructed him.

Jace opened his present and tried to strangle me with a hug. 

"Thank you!!!!! When did you manage to get me tickets to NXT? You do know that anything that has to do with WWE is AWESOME, right? I mean, there is almost nothing better. 

"Hey Ruby, do you really think we will win? I know we have been practicing for a while and won every other game, but I feel like we might lose if we are not careful." Amy said to me as we were walking to class. "It is the championship game and-" I cut her off.

"Amy, the girls team and the boys team will win, stop worrying, Mr. Hendrick is letting us get out of second, third, and fourth hour to practice." We walked into our homeroom and sat down just as the bell rang. As usual, I found a note on my desk. Today it was, Hey beautiful, go the park after school and I will tell you whom I really am. Sincerely, The guy who has a crush huge on you. P.S. I hope you win the game. Amy tried to snatch it away from me.

"Who keeps sending you these? It is getting old and whoever it is just needs to tell you who they are." She ranted as Liam gave me the 'I'm sorry about my cousin' look. When Ms. White walked in, she wrote on the board our projects and then told us who would be working together for the project.

"Amy and Todd, Bianca and Jerriko, Tristan and Angel, Ryan and Elizabeth, Leanna and Riddian......." Ms. White continues saying who is working together, "Liam and Ruby. Those are your partners for this assignment I expect it done by next Friday."  The rest of the class grumbled and did not get to work as quickly as Liam and I did.

"Did you hack the computer system so we could get paired up Ruby? Or did you have Blake hack into the computer system?" Liam asked me.

"I haven't hacked the computer system for over a year!" I said defending myself.

We started off by getting our old research out of my flash drive. As if waiting for us to mess up, Leanna started doing research on King Henry VIII. I eventually found it among all of the things I had downloaded onto my flash drive, and opened the file.

As soon as the bell rang the soccer teams were called out to the field and when he and Ruby got there Liam said, "Five minutes, starting. NOW!" They were both changed and ready in exactly five minutes, the time it took for the rest of the teams to get half way done changing. They started their required ten laps around the field before stretching and starting drills.

"How are you guys done with stretches and drills? The rest of us only just finished our laps! You have to be inhuman to do that!" Jerriko exclaimed. Just as those words leave his mouth, my phone decides to ring.

"Someone had better have a good reason for calling me." I muttered under my breath. When I see the number, I smile and it surprises everyone because they heard what I muttered. "Hey Cole! What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just that Blake and I are coming over for a visit and to see your soccer game later. Also, Blake proposed to me." Nicole replies. "How about you?"

"You two are coming today?! Wait, did you just say that you two are getting married? When? Where? I've been trying to get Blake to propose fo four months!"

Calm down Ruby. I will answer your questions when we get there. Luke and Damien are coming too. No starting any fights with my brother or his best friend."

"Okay Nicole. As long as those two try not to make me punch them, I won’t. I have to go. Bye." I said, dreading seeing Luke.

"Bye Ruby."

"Who was that?" asked Jericho.

"My oldest brother's girlfr- fiancé Nicole." I answered, “C’mon we need to practice before the game."

Both teams got into position and I took the centre forward position, as usual. Unfortunately, Liam was in centre forward position for the boys’ team.

“You two really figure everything out. Don’t you?” Kenzii commented. I shot daggers at her and at Riddian, who was snickering at Liam and me.

“Do not make me get the CDC take you in for testing out new viruses and anti-viruses! Or tell your mom that small, miniscule, microscopic detail of what happened at the party last week.” I said, knowing that the latter option would scare her half to death.

“OKAY! OKAY I take it back! You can send me to the CDC but please, please, PLEASE don’t tell my mom what happened! I will literally DIE then and there." Kenzii looked utterly terrified.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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