Freshly fallen snow

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The sun shimmers on top of the white ground laughter can be heard snow being thrown and built. I'm not part that group as unlike them I have to shovel it. Instead of joyous laughter and warm hot cocoa my arm and back now ache. Why did I have spend winter break with Grammy and Gramps? I mean I like Grammy and Gramps but they're so boring. Gramps is sitting on the deck with Mr. Bojangles his cane beside him and a newspaper in his hands. Grammy is inside making lemon ginger mint tea. I'm humming to myself wishing for this dumb task to be done already, so I can enjoy my tea, and Gingerbread cookies while resting by the fireplace.

I can almost smell Grammy's gingerbread cookies, no wait I can smell them their resting on the window seal to cool. My mouth is watering with anticipation. CRASH! I jump back as snow is thrown up and hits me in the face. I'm shaking and feels like my heart is jumping from my chest. Now where there was just a pile of snow lays a blonde fifteen year old boy my age crumpled up on the ground. What the in the world just happened? Mr. Bojangles is bounding up his tongue out of his mouth and his shaggy black pelt dragging in the snow and slowly following behind him was Gramps. Gramps now standing beside me we shared the same confused look and without skipping a beat Mr. Bojangles begins sniffing the strange boy who fall from the sky. A groan echoss out I sigh full of relief his not dead we don't need to deal with a body.

Gramps croaks "You okay their son that seems like quite the fall you had?" The boy looked up dazed and confused his pale blue eyes puffy. He mumbled."Yeah, I'm fine." Gramps smiled at him while Mr. Bojangles attacked his face with kisses. I blurt out."What the hell were you doing to end up falling from the sky?" Sitting up now he rubbed his head while pushing Mr. Bojangles off himself. He muttered,"For your information I was trying use my roof as a sledding hill which obviously didn't work out how I wanted it too." Before I could stop myself, I burst out laughing when I saw his sled a couple of feet away.  I cackled ,"Why in the world would think that was good idea?" His face changed from embarrassment to amusement he spoke "I guess I wasn't really thinking." I chuckled" Yeah obviously!" Gramps interrupted us he said "Okay now we know how you ended up falling here cleared up what's your name son? "  he continued on by saying "I'm Mr. Gordon and that giggling girl over there is my granddaughter Kara." He was now wearing a small smile while looking up at Gramps and said "Oh, yeah my name is Snow Norwood." A huge smile now shown on Gramp's face he beamed "Oh, I know that name, my old college buddy was John Norwood." Before anymore could be said Grammy stepped out holding her fancy tray adored with four cups of tea and a couple of gingerbread cookies. She had apparently seen the whole scene unfold from the window. Laughing we all walked towards the house smiling with Grammy her tray now empty expect with few teacups  that no longer held tea. I stepped into the warm comforting home waving goodbye to Snow and promising him we would talk again later.  Mr. Bojangles seemed very sad seeing Snow leave but quickly cheered up when Grammy filled his bowl. Sitting by the fireplace I grinned as Gramps started on his story about his college days and Grammy was knitting a scarf. Mr. Bojangles is laying on my feet I'm smiling.

Because I now had something to make winter break enjoyable a friend.

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