the reporter

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After a year of construction, the Avengers compound has finally been fixed, and is where Hulk works. The government had tried to buy it, to it turn it into a training ground, but the Stark family wouldn't let them. What they did allow is them attending a ribbon cutting ceremony for them. We find Bucky and Sam in an airport hanger arguing about whether or not they should attend it. Bucky still feels the weight of the past 90 years on his shoulders even thought therapy was meant to help him.

Sam is still struggling with trying to be Captain America, after getting a new shield from Wakanda after the old one was destroyed in a fight with John Walker. He had visited Isaiah separately and they had a discussion about what it would mean to have a Black Captain America. However Sam's sister was less than thrilled, arguing that the shield didn't represent them. Eventually he decided to accept it, but operated on his own terms, not on the government's.

"I still don't know why we should go there, Sam." Bucky said.

"Because, the Avengers compound represents what we once were and we need to commemorate that. You know they would want us to be there."

"No," Bucky said, "they want you there, you're just dragging me along."

"I sure am. Plus, you know it will be good to see everyone again."

"Everyone? Who's left, Hulk, Clint, Thor ant man and that annoying spider boy? I'd hardly call those guys the avengers. What about the others? Wanda, Strange won't be there. And we know that Tony and Steve definitely won't be there."

"Yeah, but Pepper will be. Did you ever finish making your amends?"

Bucky thought for a moment recalling the list his therapist gave him. "No, she was the last one. I didn't feel like I could approach her. And how would that conversation even go, hey, I'm sorry I killed your ex-husband's parents?"

"Yeah, exactly that."

"Fine we'll go."

When they arrived at the event, Bucky noticed all the reporters and instantly froze. He didn't want to talk to anyone, and just observe. He felt that he was an outsider watching everyone else move on, while he was stuck trying to figure out this life.

He was lost in thought before he heard a voice, behind him.

"Are you James Barnes?" A young 22 year old woman, surprising Bucky

He turned around to see a stunning brunette with hazel eyes looking at him.

He stopped for a moment before answering, "Yes, I'm he." Not knowing what to expect next.

"Hi, My name's Abigail, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment." She tried sounding as sweet as possible knowing the question she was about to ask.

"Sure." He said with a serious look on his face.

"Great, well, I'm currently working on my master's degree in psychology and PTSD, especially in a post-Blip world, and I was wondering if you could interview you for it. I've researched Steve Rogers/Captain America and I know you were close to him. I also realize that youve experienced shock in your life especially after returning and I wouldn't want to hurt you any further."

Bucky just looked at her with a somewhat surprised, but still serious look on his face.

She continued, "I think your story could help a lot of people, and you would be able to finally tell it on your own terms and show people that this isn't you who are anymore. You don't have to answer now, but here's my card if you want to think about it." With that, smiled and walked away. Leaving Bucky stunned that someone would want to spend time with him and get to know him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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