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You have no idea how excited I am to FINALLY share this story with you all, after close to year (or maybe more, actually...) of finalizing and refining the lore/plot so that it makes sense. Once I had finally gotten the lore to something I liked, I could start rewriting the old draft, which I will be leaving up for anyone to read at their own risk, lol. I could gush all about how much I love the shapeshifter gods and their intertwined relationships with the shapeshifters, but that's for a different writing project (perhaps a separate book explaining a bit of the lore once this has been fully posted...I may or may not have spent a little too much time on the Corrum lore for a while when dealing with writers block, but I suspect it'll pay off in the end).  This book is my child, and I have SO many more ideas for later writing in this universe.

I will be posting weekly every Wednesday, assuming I don't forget to update.

The book cover is something I made by myself in collaboration with the wonderful Coacobird, who helped me come to a decision of what I wanted on the cover. 

Anyways, enough of my ranting. Welcome to A Shadowed Legacy, and I hope you enjoy your stay!


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