one: the start

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i awoke with a jolt, another nightmare. with slightly shaking arms i reach for my water located on the side table. the cool water rushed to my body, barely working to calm me as i hoped but worth the effort.

three months and four days since dad died. he had died in his own home. we aren't sure at what time but at some time he went to get water in the night.

at 9am his body was found though. by his daughter. me. i was going to grab a snack before walking my dog and i saw the lifeless body of my dearest father. the life in his eyes had completely drained.

and at 9:34 he was pronounced dead on the scene. despite being a healthy male a heart attack got him. it's not fair.

he was the light of the house. my mom is a quiet introvert, me being the same. after he passed she became most closed off. but who can blame her? her husband died and was left a widow.

she tries to spend time with me here and there. once a week i'll come over and she'll order us takeout. sometimes we'll watch a movie, sometimes silence is nice too.

i've tried being more talkative. i have nothing against talking just. don't find it necessary?

i grab my phone and look at the time. the dim artificial light read: 3:00am. wow 3am on the dot.

sighing i put my phone back down. pulling my soft blanket over me and attempt to return to my sleep.


turns out i was successful. my alarm starts blaring at me to wake up. 10:20 . 40 minutes until class. im a freshmen in college. i major in human science and business development. im very unsure to my future. all i know is study and attend work every night.

i pick up my phone with my eyes squinting from the light and turn off the ringing. my first day. hey it can't be that bad right? hoping an extrovert will find me interesting and stay with me.

i sluggishly pull the blankets off myself. after washing my face and brushing my teeth i try and dress myself.

god. i've always been bad with fashion.

a t-shirt from an old movie i watched with mom and black jeans. it'll do. i didn't really know what to bring so i just packed a small backpack full of notebooks and my computer.

i was renting an apartment a little over a block down from campus. while grabbing the house key off a hanger i make my way out from the home. it was a nice early noon.

after almost getting lost and needing google maps i make it. the campus is full with lively young people. it looked nice. the school was huge and really something i was excited about.

i went to the photo app and looked at a screenshot of my schedule. prof nickerson first period. alright room 236. so floor two.

after ascending a flight of stairs i see the class room. i open the door and it's huge. well this is college alright. i go to the back top rows. it was nice back here.

after getting situated with my seat i wait for class to start. more and more kids walk in so it's bound to start soon, right?

almost on cue the teacher starts writing on the smart board. ah his name and the course name.

while he starts giving himself an intro the door swings open. a tired looking boy walks in. i feel bad, the first day? i'd be mortified wow.

he says something to the teacher be prof nickerson nods his head. maybe sitting down far back wasn't the best idea.

i see the tired boy who ill for now call. tired man, creative i know, walks up the steps. also to the top back row. greatttt.

he sits a number of seats down so i don't need to worry about him yet. after tired mans little interruption we get back to class.
time really does fly when you're having fun huh. the day went fast. me and tired man have a few classes together which is.. annoying. i just fear he'll be late more often ya know. maybe tomorrow i'll try and introduce myself? maybe.

walking home i get lost in my thoughts. i finally come back from my brain space and look at those around. i see a gorgeous girl with dark brown hair and beautiful browns eyes to match. i'm almost breathless.

wait was she coming up to me? shit she was. uhhh. ok y/n. be cool.

"hello there! my name is jenny, you're in my bio right?" i nod. her voice was soothing.
"perfect! i was wondering if i could get your number. it'd be nice to be friends with another girl in that class. too must testosterone in that room.." she jokes. i laugh. sometimes i can't tell if i'm straight.

"oh yah of course! it's just.." i tell her my number without hesitating. "ahhh thank you so much .." she trails oh. SHIT. i didn't tell her my name.

"y/n" i smile slightly.

"thank you so much..y/n. i'll text you alright? get home safe!" she jogs off back to where the dorms were. huh. extroverts am i right.

still in shock by the pleasant experience i walk home. as i'm about to get my keys out i hear a slight ring. ah. must be her.

unknown number: helllooo! it's jenny :D
contact changed to: jenny:)
me: hey!!! it's y/n of course :p

after sending that message i slip my phone back in my pocket and enter my home. a good first days deserves a nap to celebrate!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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