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I met a boy.

He was the type of boy who googled real life suicide videos and fatal accidents.

He was the type of boy who took down notes in class of extremely detailed homicide plans. He would never execute them. Never in a million years. But he planned them...

He was the type of boy who stepped on snails and other small insects...just to feel something.

His name was Zack. But he went by Zane. No one knew why. All they knew was if you called him Zack, you'd loose all your teeth. Zane was cut and dry like that.

Now you may be asking yourself, why am I telling you all this? Well...to be completely honest with you...

I'm in love with him.

I'm completely and utterly crazy about the bastard. Now, I'm not a stalker. I'm not a creep. I'm just.... passionate.

But, theres one itty bitty problem.

Zane is dead.

He died two years ago. Trauma to the skull. Died instantaneously. I would tell you the specifics behind his cause of death but I'd rather not regurgitate all over this notepad. It was quite the gruesome event...

However, I can tell you that I survived the event with nothing more than a few scrathes and a violet bruise below my left eye. Although, this much you already know.

I'm sorry Mum.
I'm sorry Dad.
It wasn't supposed to end this way.

But I just simply CANNOT live without my love for one more day. It is physically impossible. Every breath I make is a grim reminder that I stand upon this planet without him. That I'm all alone. That there's no one waiting for me at the end of that sacred aisle with a ring. I might just throw up.

So, I...y-n l-n...have decided to end my life today.

I hope you do find it in your heart to forgive me for I had no choice.

I shall join my beloved in the afterlife and be happy again at last.

I love you both so very much.

Don't forget me.

Persevere and don't let my death wither your merry and prosperous life together.

I beg for your forgiveness.

Much love,

Y-n. 💞


I calmly place my pen on the tethered paper, a small smile gracing my lips.

At last, my train has arrived and it is time to go home.

I step forward towards my "train". It was not a noose however. Oh no no no, too cliché for me. I instead chose the more romantic alternative being beheadment. More specifically, by guillotine.

I of course didn't have a spare guillotine lying around the house, nor could I order one off amazon. So, I had to be a bit more innovate.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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