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As I walked home from school, I decided to walk home through the woods. I walked into the trees and heard leaves rustling. I ignored it, thinking it was just some animal. I mean seriously, I'm 16.

But as a person jumped out and placed their hand over my mouth, and tackled me, I was proven wrong about the animal thing. I started kicking and clawing, but he whispered,

"Alana, you can't get away. Stop struggling or I will slice your neck." I kept kicking and as he held a cloth to my mouth. Then I felt the cloth being taken away and cool metal being pressed against my neck.

Then I kicked him in the no no place and sprinted in the direction of my school. I heard him running after me and I wished that I was faster. Then he grabbed me and tears threatened to spill.

No, he won't see me cry. Then the knife was pressed against my neck again and he dug it in. I screamed and my tears spilled. Then he dug it in farther and I bit my lip.

"Good girl," he whispered and put the cloth back on. I didn't breath in and he pulled the knife out and I gasped in pain. Then I passed out.

So do u guys like the story? I hope so(: anyways, every other time I post a chapter then I will give you a challenge. Whoever guesses it gets a shoutout!!

This chapter's challenge:

Y E E?

So like I said, every other chapter. So no challenge next chapter, but I will have:


Okay? Thx(: PLZ comment!

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