Chapter 1

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Authors' Notes:

The beginning is a bit slow, but it gets better! I promise! So, please be patient with me! Here's the first chapter!

I groaned as the sound of my alarm blared through my room, waking me up for that morning. I sat up slightly, rubbing my eyes hoping that the wish of going back to sleep would leave with my eye crusts as well, but I had no such luck. I never have any luck.

I push my comforter to the to the side, sliding my feet of the edge of my queen sized bed, letting them dangle there for several moments before getting on to my feet. I slip on my dark blue soffe shorts, pulling them up my hairy legs. They desperately needed to be shaven, but I have no one to impress, therefor no reason you waste my time shaving. I also pulled a pair of fuzzy socks onto my size 6 feet before making my way to the bathroom down the hall to prepare myself for work.

I looked up into the mirror as I released my hair from the messy bun I had slept in. I rummage through my many drawers before finally finding my preferred brush and dragging it through the several knots that have manage to from since my last brushing. I sigh as I realize I had fallen asleep the previous night without showering, forcing me to have to take one now. I shed clothing, turning the water to hot as that's how I perfer it. I'll mostly likely come out the color of a lobster, but I'll hopefully have left over time to cool before having to leave for the aquarium.

I step in the shower and let the water fall down around me for considerable amount of time before grabbing my shampoo bottle in my dominant left hand and squirt a handful of my watermelon scented soap into the palm of my hand.

After spending a decent amount of time in the comfort of the water, I decide it's time to step out and prepare myself for the day ahead of me. I slide the dark purple towel over the edge of the shower door and down to my body to rid it of the water droplets left behind on my pale skin.

Once dried, I slip a plain white bra and the first pair of underwear I can discovered in my disastrous closet. It desperatly needed to be organized, but anyone who knew me well enough, is full aware that that will never happen.After searching for numerous seconds, I managed to find a pair of animal printed slim fit ones.

Yay, my favorite!

Proceeded that hunt, I pulled the aquariums ugly asparagus green uniform over my head and tug my long auburn colored hair from beneath it , causing it to frizz.. I sigh, slightly, know that my hair was gone for the day and cross my fingers in hopes I'll be more successful with it tomorrow as I run down that stairs only to be greeted by my brothers newest "friend".

I use the term friend loosely. I'll break it down for you, my brothers friends only ever have two main goals. The girls, to get with him and the guys, to get with me. I'm not quite sure what appeal we have to the rest of the world, but there is constantly a new one of my brothers "friends" over my house hitting one of us. I've never taken interest in any of them though. They're always pigs. He never brings home a nice, well mannered guy, who has good intentions. Ever. But I've grown used to his friends advanced towards me. They don't really face me anymore, at this point. I'm used to them.

"Oh damn, Molly." The newest of Drew's friends mused as I brushed past him, making my way into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and open the cabinet, extending my arm up to grab a reusable water bottle for work. I've always been one of those "Save the planet" people, hence the reusable bottle. I don't believe it's right that we can ruin a planet that not only we live on.

"What are you doing after later, babe?" Drew's friend grilled, obviously not sensing my annoyance with him.

I turn on my ankle to face him as I speak. "Going to my boyfriends punk rock concert." I gush jokingly, a smug smirk sliding across my lips.

His confused expression spread on his face as he turned to my brother for conformation. Sagging his head into his hands, Drew sighed.

"Wow' I mock under my breathe before turning and finishing my preparations for work and heading out the door.

"Bye Drew!" I yell behind me as I walk out the door to my car. "Better luck with the next boy.' I kid closing our bright red door behind me and making my way down the drive way.

It was still slightly dark out. I could see as the sun began to rise. I was usually already at work by this time so i never saw the sun rise. Today i was a bit behind, due to my extra long shower this morning.

Well, I'm already late. Doesn't matter if I add 15 to that, does it? I think to myself before hoisting my weight up on to the hood of my car in order to watch the sun rise in to the clear skies we were predicted to have today. I gazed up as I saw the shimmering gold disk began to shine through the valley and came into my view.

I watched as the large glowing sphere rose slowly into the dull morning sky, casting sunbeams in every direction while lighting up our small town. I stared out through the dew covered trees as the colors made by the rising sun changed, growing more vivid with the passing time. Making the sky more radiant as it climbed higher and higher into the sky.

I thought back to when my mother and I would watch the sun set on Saturday evenings after coming home from whatever activity we had decide on doing that day. She would lay one of the big blankets she had bought for picnicking out in our back yard. Usually the the black one due to the fact that I enjoyed the designed spread across it in red. Spirals and twirls extend across the soft fabric. I remember running my finger tips across the designs, following the pattern sown into it. The scent of freshly cut grass surrounding us as we played games and joked about with each other, waiting for the sun to reach the horizon, dipping down behind the over grow tree in the forest just beyond our small town.

Then I remember how empty my Saturdays felt once my mother had gotten cancer. Drew tired to take me out to watch it a few times, but it wasn't the same without her. Nothing was ever the same. Especially once the cancer won and she passed. My dad took a new job that forced him to travel for most of the year. He attempted to convince Drew and I it was for the money, but we knew better. He couldn't stand being in that house knowing that she'd never walk through the door again. He'd never come down the stairs to find her making her famous chocolate chip pancake again. I couldn't blame him. I can't stand it either. But Drew and I have grown used to it. We survived it, so far.

I felt the tears at the brim of eyes once I brought myself out of the memory. That was the first time I'd ever really looked back on my memories of her. It's always been to painful for me to reminisce on before now.

I pushed the tears away as i slid off the hood of my car, on to my feet. I tugged open the car door and hopped in, plopping down into the driver seat. I glanced out the window to see the fulling risen sun, high in the sky. It was beautiful. I wished I could stare at it all day, but sadly I had to get to work. I twisted my key, starting the engine of my red Volt. Putting it in drive, I stepped on the gas and started on my way to the my job at the aquarium.

End Notes:

There it is! The first chapter! Please comment what you think, okay? It would mean the world to me! Even if it's criticism! Thanks :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2013 ⏰

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