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It was a quiet day for the studio. Louis was the only one in that day, he had a student coming in later for an extra practice lesson for her school's talent show.

Louis taught piano at a cute studio. There was the piano room, or the practice room where an elegant grand piano sat idle, waiting for someone to tickle the ivory. There was a strings room, an air room, and a percussion room. It was small, but it had good sound quality.

Louis sat in the front by the front desk, doodling on a scrap piece of sheet music. He was messing with a melody that he couldn't get out of his head, but the notes just didn't feel right.

Louis was about to throw his pencil across the main room until the front door opened and closed with the sound of chimes signalling someone had entered the building.

Louis looked up to see a curly haired man smiling at him. Louis returned the bright smile immediately.

Wow, he's absolutely breathtaking.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Louis surprised himself by being able to form a normal sentence in the presence of this person.

"Hi, I'd like to sign up for piano lessons please."

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