Angelica and the big bad brocoli

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It's a bright sunny day and Angelica is sitting on her custom made bean bag, when she smells a horrible scent coming from downstairs. She goes downstairs to see what that disgusting smell was and her heart shattered. Angelica was devastated. "WHAT IS THIS!?!?" Angelica shouts while pointing at the boiling broccoli.
"It's Broccoli!" Angelica's mom replies with a smile.
"WHAT?!!" Shouts Angelica starting to cry.
"What's wrong honey? I thought you liked broccoli!" replied Angelica's mom kindly.
"NO! I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T!" Angelica shouts while stomping up the stairs crying loudly.
"Nobody loves me!" Angelica says to herself while throwing her limited edition unicorn plushie across the room.
"I'm going to run away!" Angelica says, grabbing her Gucci bag aggressively.
A couple hours later, Angelica leaves the house and films a run away Tik Tok all the way to their nearby park. At the park, Angelica climbs up to the top of the playground and starts to boss the kids at the park around.
"I, queen Angelica, demand you peasants to fetch me some water!" Angelica demands.
A couple hours later, when Angelica's mom is done making dinner, she goes upstairs to tell Angelica to come down for dinner, but when she gets upstairs she notices that Angelica is gone. Worried, Angelica's mom calls the police and everybody in her phone book to ask if Angelica is at their house.
A couple hours later, the police find Angelica at the park and ask Angelica to come down from the top of the playground, but Angelica refuses. When the police finally convince Angelica to come down, they go back home and Angelica's mom never cooked another broccoli again.

The end

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