Summer Was Great

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We used to go on walks together and just sit and talk for hours and not get bored of talking and id ask about the stuff that made you happy and drew you pictures of mushrooms because i knew you liked them.

We used to go on midnight walks to the store it was so magical felt amazing once we held hands
That was so magical we were both scared it was a bit funny after you cried as i tried comforting you.

Once we went on a walk with my sister and you and i showed you my favourite summer place with flowers having you there made me so happy after we climbed a mountain we were so tired and laughing alot and we sat down on a rock and laughed and told eachother how happy we are to have eachother as we walked back laughing.

We used to talk everyday and say good morning and good night to eachother and we were there for eachother all the time made me feel the happiest I've ever felt.

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