True Loves First Kiss

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It was just your average Saturday, the weather in Pennsylvania was crisp with a hint of cold. Cloudy skies covered the sun but it was no time of rain. Fortunately there was no school on Saturdays. Quinn had no clue what he would have done if there was. Pain and only pain is what he would've felt.
But ignoring all this he jumped out of bed, stumbling out of his room and heading to the bathroom. He began brushing his teeth roughly while humming tunes to himself. Today was gonna be great. He was gonna go visit the library too, find some new books that he probably wasn't even going to read. Loosing track he quickly spat out the foam and washed out his mouth and hurrying downstairs to feed Ivory. Such a perfect cat, he smiled and soon opened a can and watched as she came running. Leaning down he poured the food into her food bowl and petted her as she ate, enjoying her loud purrs before quickly grabbing his bag and running out of the house.

Humming Quinn pushed the door open and walked into the library while looking around and breathing in the smell of old books. Maybe he could even find the newest warriors book, he wondered as he began walking along the halls. He began to walk along the fantasy isle while reading off the book titles soon becoming distracted before bumping into a cart with a grunt. "Oh uh sorr-" he broke off as he stared at the tall handsome man pushing the cart infront of him.

"No big deal." The man sighed and began to push past Quinn. "Wait wait- I need to know your name- ACK!" He stumbled face first into Bernard as he had suddenly stopped and turned to him. Their lips were pressed together in a soft kiss and Bernard surprised and in shock quickly pulled away "what the?! If fhdjsj I gotta go!" He quickly began to push his cart away, leaving Quinn there dazed and frozen. That was amazing! His lips were so soft and like velvet- that was his first kiss too! And oh no oh no oh no, he didn't even catch his name, "wait!! What's you're name??" He shouted before being hushed by people nearby.


End of chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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