Chapter 1: A Lady's Morning

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"Nh... C-Claude..."

Heavy panting and gasping was all that could be heard from the room, all coming from the little butterfly that was trapped tightly in the spider's webs. Doing such forbidden things with each other... this kind of relationship between a master and a butler, it was absolutely unacceptable. Disgusting. If anyone found out, god have mercy... the consequences that the juvenile earl would have to face would be unspeakably awful. Then again, that was what made it so fun... keeping it as their little secret, just for them to enjoy, strictly for them to drown in pleasure... Together. Doing these dirty, awful things in secrecy, that's what made it exciting. And Alois loved every living, breathing moment of it.

Claude's hot skin was pressed down against the blonde earl's as he hovered above him dominantly, liking the sight of his frail little master stuck underneath him like this. The smirk on his face was driven by pure lust, knowing how much his master was enjoying these activities despite his stubbornness. He was enjoying himself far too much, himself. His fingers were intertwined in the heaping mess of thick, blonde hair as he ground against him with ambition, starting out rough but slow. The blonde boy squirmed and shifted underneath him, shuddering from the feeling of Claude's bare skin pressing and rubbing right up against his own like that. He felt a tickle of pleasure bubble at the bottom of his stomach, making his face redden slightly due to the fact that he knew how eager he was to get this show on the road, to get things going.

"bite me."

The seductive and commanding sound of the earl's voice came out of his mouth through clenched teeth, as he was trying his hardest to keep him mouth shut, not to make a single sound of pleasure until he couldn't take it any longer. Claude nodded at his master's command, following him obediently, just like a smart little lapdog. He sunk his teeth into the bright-eyed boy's neck, piercing his porcelain skin. The barrier of clenched teeth that Alois had put up didn't last too long and he opened his mouth wide to gasp loudly, bucking his hips slightly at the pain that was infused with the pleasure. He felt a dribble of blood running down his neck, dropping onto the white bed sheet and he smirked cockily, speaking with a lightly and feathery voice.

"Look at that.. you've gone and made such a mess, haven't you?"

The spider butler retracted his fangs from the blonde's broken skin, gazing down at the blood dripping from it as if it were a dessert that was just waiting to be eaten. How delicious, how desirable his master was...

"Clean it up."

Alois commanded with a firm voice, tilting his head back so that the butler could have full access to his neck to clean him all he wanted. Claude's eyes flashed a fiery magenta color and his heart skipped a beat before he neared Alois's neck once again, following each and every word from his master like a good boy, the type of behavior he knew that he'd be rewarded for. He dragged his tongue up the little earl's soft neck and licked clean all the blood, craving to sink his teeth into him again but knowing good and well he'd be punished for acting without orders.

"A-Ah... What a good boy..."

Alois's shaky, soft response drove the spider butler absolutely wild and his heart beat against his chest from excitement, the adrenaline of the moment.

"Lick me clean, every inch of my body..."

Alois gasped his words, every part of his body becoming uncomfortable and craving for some kind, any kind of release. He was practically burning from the inside out. The smirk on the demon's face became wider and he couldn't help but chuckle, dragging his hands down the sides of the little earl's body sensually as his tongue followed suit. He got lower and lower, all the way down to his bare hips, suckling there to tease him and arouse him even further. Alois closed his eyes and leaned his head back, a light and airy moan leaving his lips. The spider butler chuckled deeply at the sound leaving his master's mouth, such a submissive little sound.

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