how this all started

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so it was tuesday like any tuesday at the derp crew hq and everyone was just getting up in the morning seemed pretty normal i was making the coffee elvis was sitting at the table fooling around on twitter looking to see if he any new friends sadly no one answered his friend request because he was hobo and no one like hobos so annoying and smelling of dick butter moving on zach then came into the room looking like something out of the dark knight "zach your coffee is ready" i said looking like i got beat up by a rabbit so sad "fuck coffee wheres is the whisky" said zach with bags under his eyes  then elvis walked in with his sex doll and his twitter on his phone we were amazed to see it had milk all over it "wait a minute THATS NOT MILK" i said and shock worse he had my shoes on it took me three hours to clean off the stain and it was not pretty it also smelled of taco bell then we heard someone walk through the door it was alex coming back from the gas station then i said "where is your car alex" and he said "it was stolen by a guy with a ass for a face i turned around and it was gone the bastard didnt even leave my fake beard behind and i just walked home" he said looking like a sick puppy next thing i knew i was making breakfast for us (just to let all u guys know we live on the same street in this story not in real life though in the story elvis zach alex and i all live together) i was making candadian ham and french toast  smelled awsome like all my other meals i made and we ate and all headed out for work we worked for a man named bubba and we did jobs for him like robbing banks and killing people you know the usual stuff the name of the company was bubba co and we enjoyed going there and doing what we did but all that changed when we walked through the door of bubba co that day 

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