Chapter 1

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"Morning Bad" I said walking into the kitchen rubbing my eye with my tail.
"Morning?" A gruff voice spoke, I cracked my head quickly to the voice.
"Oh Sapnap! I didn't realize it was you, sorry" I apologized sheepishly "Where's Bad?"
"Dad? Oh he went out for a bit, he'll be back in while" he said before taking a bite out of a piece of chicken they had left over from last night; one good thing about living here, we can do what we want and eat whatever we want as long as we don't force it on others. I grabbed a cup for water, as I was drinking Sapnap asked me a quite serious question. Well for me at least,
"Hey umm Skeppy-?" I hummed in response, "Exactly what kind of dragon are you?"
"A diamond dragon"
"I never heard of those kind of dragons"
"Well I'm from deep underground and nowhere near here" Skeppy answered truthfully, as he really was from there just not as a dragon.
"Oh? I guess that makes sense"
"'Geppy! Sapnap! I'm back!"
I raised my free paw in response as I took another sip,
"Did you guys miss me?" Bad drawn out his voice in a jokingly tone
"When don't we miss you?" Sapnap joked back
The ground rumbled,
"Oh shit, here comes the rat!" I called out trying to keep my balance and not spill my water
"Language Skeppy! You need to be a good example for Sapnap here"
"Yeah Skeppy! Be a good fucking model!"
Bad gasped looking horrified, "Son language! This is a no swearing household"
"But Skeppy does it all the time"
"I just have a problem with stopping." I spoke while rubbing the back of my neck
"He's right, he's actually much better then when we first meet. It was like every other word he would swear wasn't it?"
"Something like that..." I muttered embarrassed "Can we please change the topic"
"Oh sorry Skeppy I forgot you don't like talking about yourself much."
"Eh it's alright, I just have a bad past and I'm not ready to share it with you yet."
"Understandable, I forgot to tell you guys. We have- oof" Before he can finish speaking Bad's pet Lucy but everyone called her rat or the rat jumped on him. I had to move out of the way to avoid being squashed again from her paws. The one part about that day I made an excuse about some fake powers of this fake kind of dragon. Well fake as far as I know. Sapnap laughed at us
"Skeppy come over to me before you get hurt or you accidentally hurt rat" I nod dodging rats tail
"How come I'm so tiny!?" I exclaimed out of breath, "It's not fair!"

Just a little sneak peak of my last story ;)
I am having a blast writing it and thinking of ideas for it, hopefully anyone who reads these will enjoy as much I do writing them 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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