Chapter 1

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Izuku has always stood out from everyone else, his green hair, emerald eyes or his ability to keep a smile on his face in any situation. He helped people at as young as 3 years old by offering to help his mother with the shopping or calming his friends down at the park when they get hurt. Nobody had a reason to dislike him and it stayed that way. What people didn't know was he had a twin brother called Kai the complete opposite of him. Kai always liked to stay inside and keep to himself, talking to only Izuku and Inko. This meant nobody knew Kai was around because of his closed off nature at a young age and people thinking he was Izuku when he left the house because they looked so alike. People got used to this, so when the pair went to the quirk office on their birthday, they wanted to know the news as soon as possible.

"Mummy, Mummy, wake up!! Today we get too see what quirks we get! I don't wanna miss it!" Izuku said in his normal happy voice while his twin trained into the room with a small, exited smile.
"Good morning boys, and happy birthday! And Izuku we have a couple hours go get dressed while I make breakfast okay?"
She get a small "yay" in response the two fumbling aroud getting dressed.

The Midoriya family of 3 patiently sat in the waiting room untill their names were called. The nurse collected them and lead them to the doctors office, and left them waiting anxiously but excited for the doctor.
After around 5 minutes the doctor came into the room with an unreadable expression on his face worrying Inko Midoriya.
"Good morning miss. Would you like the good or bad news first? " said the doctor.
Questions ran through her head but she resisted asking and asked for the good news. "Well, young Kai here has a strong telekinesis quirk, which will develop overtime and become stronger each time he uses it. Now for the bad news..." he pauses.
Inko and Izuku were wondering what could be wrong. He glances towards Izuku but doesn't let his gaze linger as he looks back towards the paper in his hands but eventually left his stare straight into his eyes "Let's face it, this kid will never be a hero, it's just impossible"
Izuku looks off into space quietly wondering what his quirk was? was it was that bad that he couldn't be a hero? Inko does not take this well glaring at the doctor and Kai moves forward to comfort his brother. "What's his quirk?" Inko asks in an calm voice, trying not to shout at the doctor. Looking at Inko with pity the doctor states "Well, he's quirkless".

That statement changed everything for him. Over the next few years his mother acted as if he was glass. She was seen at home less and less because of work and friends started calling him Deku. At first he thought they were reading his name wrong but they were just calling him useless and started to isolate him away from they and keep him away. His neighbours looked at him with pity and hate. Nobody wanted their kids around a quirkless child because their child didn't need the "disease" he had. The teacher did nothing but watch and blame him for every fight, even when he wasn't involved and allowed all the kids to treat him porrly as long as it wasn't during lesson periods. His grades were lowered because the quirkless kid could not be smart. Everyone encouraged bulling at his school wherever he went because to them he was less than them, dirt on the bottom of their shoes. Everyone either avoided him or beat him. His brother was the only one that stayed by his side but only at home because his mother didn't want them to go to the same school. His brother didn't need to get bullied with him anyway. Nobody ever found out about Kai, everyone thought it was just him and mum. Kai was always there for him afterschool to help bandage him up and hide the evidence front heir mum to stop her from worrying.

It went on like this for 11 years. Bullied, ignored and only really talked to Kai about what happened at school. Constant misery followed him everywhere he went. Everyone knew he was quirkless and were not afraid to show how he compared to nothing. From 4 years old he was constantly trying to get back to what life was before but never worked. Even when he went to the police, nobody believed him because why would anyone acctually care about what happened to a quirkless young boy so he gave up on trying to seek help. Losing himself in desperation and longing for happiness. His only real smiles were saved for Kai, he would fake being happy all the time just annoying everyone more but he didn't know that, he wasn't going to cry everyday about something that could be so much worse than what he was going through.

Okay that was it for the first chapter. I just wanted to see what it would look like because it's my first time writing a story. There is a plot line I'm not sure how to put it together. I will try and make it work though might not be perfect.

Hope you enjoyed, have a nice day!!

900+ words <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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