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Tubbo woke up to an empty spot in his bed next to him, he laid on his side and closed his eyes one last time before getting up. As he walked down the stairs putting on his Snowchester sweater he climbed up the ladder to Micheal's room to see that Micheal was not there. He stood in confusion but assumed Ranboo had taken him somewhere so he thought nothing of it.

After enjoying his breakfast he traveled through the tunnel leaving Snowchester. He wanted to get some flowers for the home, since the current ones where starting to die in their pots. As he arrived to the flower fields he saw Ranboo, and Tommy, sitting down in the flower fields teaching Micheal how to make flower crowns. 

Tubbo giggled "HEY!! RANBOO" he yelled as he started sprinting over to them. Micheal started running over to Tubbo holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"d-dad! Look" Micheal said handing Tubbo the flowers.

Picking Micheal up Tubbo blushed "Aww thanks Micheal" he smiled.

Tubbo ran over to Tommy, and Ranboo with Micheal in his hands. "Ah I seem I have  been abandoned" Tubbo said as he sat down next to Tommy placing Micheal down on his feet. 

"Your one to talk about abandoning people" Tommy muttered glaring at Tubbo. Ranboo giggled as he hugged Tubbo from behind.

"Me and Tommy are teaching Micheal how to make flower crowns..." Ranboo said with a smirk.

 Tommy's face turned red "NO RANBOO MADE ME I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH, IM TO MASCULINE FOR FLOWERS-" Tommy shouted, standing as he picked Micheal up and placed  on his back  running into the feilds of flowers. 

"lol" Tubbo said leaning back into Ranboo. 

"He begged to let him come" Ranboo said wheezing. Tubbo and Ranboo fell to the floor before realizing Tommy had just ran off with Micheal. They both sighed. 

"should I go get him?" Ranboo said dusting himself off. 

"They'll be fine hehe" Tubbo muttered booping Ranboo on the nose.

Running away flustered, with Micheal on his shoulders Tommy ran. "Now you see Micheal," He said slowing down to a walk "I myself am much to masculine for flowers and such, but you can be who you like" Micheal giggled playing with Tommy's hair. 

"Ah Micheal, you won't learn shit with Bitch boy, and Ranboo as you parents. So I will teach you how to be a MAN!" Tommy shouted gesturing to himself. He felt Micheal swoop off his shoulders, he turned around to see Puffy holding Micheal in the air 

"aWwW what is Tommy saying to you" She said holding Micheal. Micheal giggled and held onto Puffy. 

"Oh hello Pus-p u f f y" 

She giggled "Hello Tommy, please don't traumatize this one." 

Tommy turned red and pulled Micheal out of her hands putting him on his shoulders "OH SHUT IT PUFFY!" He yelled running away.

"Wonder what he's doing to Micheal,," Ranboo muttered braiding Tubbo's hair as he laid on his lap. 

"Oh i'm sure they're fine," Tubbo said giggling. He Picked up a flower crown that was laying on the floor. Tubbo held it in his hands staring down at it smiling "Did Micheal make this one?"

"No Tommy did" Ranboo said putting his hands on Tubbo's shoulder.

"Ah no wonder its shit-" Tubbo said putting it down leaning into Ranboo. They both wheezed holding on to each other close, Tubbo's head under Ranboo's chin. Ranboo place a flower crown onto Tubbo's head.

"Micheal made this one," He smiled, fixing the crown on Tubbo's head "Isn't he perfect..."

Tubbo blushed and smiled "He's everything to me..."

Ranboo smiled and stood back  up "Alright I actually need to get Micheal back before Tommy gets him killed"

Tubbo groaned laying his head back on the grass "fine." 

Ranboo bent over and kissed Tubbo on the forehead and then started walking into the direction of where Tommy had went. After a bit of walking he ran into to Puffy, he silently waved to her and smiled. She did the same back but then stopped him "Ah Ranboo are you looking for Micheal and Tommy?" Before Ranboo could say anything Puffy rolled her eyes "He went on about how he's gonna teach Micheal how to 'be a man'. OH he also said you and Tubbo are shit parents, personally I disagree I think you-"

"Where did he go." Ranboo said cutting her off. Puffy made a flustered face and then silently pointed to the Prime path. "Thank you puffy." Ranboo said starting to walk onto the pathway, Puffy nodded. After a few momments of walking Ranboo looked over and saw tommy building a cobblestone tower with Micheal following behind him. Ranboo looked up at them and waved. 

Tommy flipped him off "Ew Micheal your shit dad is here"

"Language Tommy Micheal is a child." Ranboo muttered.

"You sound like bad, and your a child too. The only difference between you and Micheal is you decided to Marry, steal, and be all flirty with my best friend" Tommy said picking up Micheal and bringing him down. "ALSO LOOK WHAT I TAUGHT MICHEAL- say it Micheal heheh" Tommy whispered bending over to Micheal.

Micheal walked over and looked up at Ranboo with big eyes "Ranboob." Tommy wheezed and Ranboo face palmed. Ranboo put Micheal on his shoulders.

"Times up Tommy, go away" Ranboo said walking away. Tommy groaned starring at them.

Back at Snowchester Ranboo placed sleeping Micheal in his bed and climbed back down stairs. He walked over to the living room and sat on the couch. He looked over and saw Tubbo silently sleeping in an upright position. Ranboo smiled and pulled Tubbos head resting it on his lap. 

Ranboo started to fall asleep, but just before he closed his eyes Tubbo got up and hugged him "Foolish finished the mansion-" he whispered. 

Ranboo giggled "I know Tubbo, I was the one who told you"

Tubbo sighed "Oh yeah..." he put his head under Ranboo's chin sharing warmth "I love you."

"I love you too Tubbo."


aha please forgive me if its crap

this is my first fan fic heheh

Im planning on writing another tubbo and ranboo irl meetup story thing idk I just think they are so cute

get some sleep I love yall <3

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