0 | Inundation

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Nevada, a complete hellhole to all the citizens that reside within the state's borders and known as a regular old state to those who don't reside within the apocalyptic state. To call it a hellhole was a complete understatement, it was raw unfiltered madness.


A gunshot rang out throughout the vast and dry deserts of Nevada.

If one looked closely enough, the gunshot came from a nearby cliff side.

That gunshot belonged to a individual with long black hair, contrasted by the white long coat he had on, resting on top of his head was a seemingly golden halo, along with dark black sunglasses that seemingly have a red-dot glow that pierced through the black cover.

"I purge the wicked."


Once again, another shot was fired by the man's Tac-50

He seemingly sighed to himself as the bullet made contact with a rogue agent, piercing their head.

"The impious madness must end."


From what the man said, he seemed to be serious in stopping the complete Nevadian madness. His goals seemed noble enough, that one could consider him as a noble man with a noble goal. Although his goal was noble.

Let's just say... his methods aren't.

"I shall be the instrument of Armageddon."


This time, the bullet connected with a guard that stood outside a facility that happened to be positioned underneath the cliff the man was standing on, completely obliterating the guard's head.

But by all means, he technically was a savior.

"It has gotten out of hand."

The man quickly dismantles and puts away the separate parts of the TAC-50 Rifle.

A shattering noise could be heard as the man crushed his sunglasses with his right hand. Leaving only the black vortexes with a neon red glow staring back, but not before taking out his trusty revolver. With his S&W 500 in hand, he speaks.

"The end has begun."

This man... was Jebus Christ.

With his declaration of war, he quickly jumped from the cliff above the A.A.H.W base. Gracefully falling beside a cargo crate. Aiming his revolver at the door, Jebus was ready to fire.

The door quickly opened, revealing two engineers that were quickly gunned down by Jebus' precise shots.

An agent with crimson red glasses showed themselves and opened fire on the savior, only to be shot down as Jebus jumped behind the cargo crate.


Another agent appeared with a MAC-10, opening fire on Jebus as he hid behind the crate, only for him to peek out and take the agent down with a precise shot.

Quickly realizing he used all six shots, he quickly reloaded, and went to storm the facility.


The door behind him quickly shut as he dove behind a nearby crate, quickly peeking to take down an engineer. And proceeded to try to do a backwards shot, successfully hitting three targets.

One remained, as Jebus focused energy towards his void-red eyes.

A laser burst out, and completely eviscerated an axe wielding engineer.

He quickly grabbed the crate he used for cover, and used it as a shield against a Tec-9 wielding agent, after the agent emptied his mag, Jebus quickly slammed the agent under the crate.

Noticing this, three men consisting of one engineer and two agents quickly rushed Jebus.

He landed a series of punches on the knife wielding engineer, quickly taking him down.

The agent behind the engineer rushed Jebus with a nightstick, only to be quickly disarmed.

[Second Floor]

Two agents were standing guard in a empty room, as the wall behind them was destroyed by a flying crate.

"The hell?" One of the agents questioned, "It's dusty!"

"Just pay attention you dumbas-" The other agent was quickly cut off by an axe slamming into his face.

Jebus appeared through the smokescreen, as he quickly swung the axe backwards, flinging the cold corpse of the agent he just killed back into the wall. As the other agent rushed him, only for Jebus to jump and land a fatal kick on the poor agent.

Meanwhile, in another building.

The light of a computer quickly gets absorbed by the dark figure sitting in front of it, sipping a drink. But the more important part, is the command written on the screen.

CMD > INFECT ../JESUS/ *.* -s

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