Awake {Marauders}

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James jerked from his slumber, eyes flicking open. He rubbed his eyes, looking blearily around the dim lited room and set his arms on his sides, pushing up and leaning against the wall behind him. James reached out a hand to grab his glasses and looked ahead of him to see Sirius sitting beside him, looking wide awake.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just can't sleep," Sirius replied, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed slightly.

James itched the back of his head and ruffled his hair a bit, glancing around the room to catch a glimpse of the window, seeing it was pitch black out.

"What time is it?"

"Around three in the morning."

The sleepy eleven year old sighed. "This is the third time this week."

"I know," Sirius responded, now picking at his nails then stood himself up.

"Why can't you wake someone else, not that I mind it too much but I need rest and so do you."

"Remus is grumpy when he wakes up and it's hard to keep Peter awake so you're my best option."

James let out a huff and went under the covers, expecting them to be pulled off but when they weren't after a short five minutes he pulled the blanket over his head. Sirius wasn't beside his bed anymore.

"Sirius?" He called out quietly, not wanting to wake the other two.

He was suddenly given an unexpected smack to the head, nearly loosing his balance. "Hey!"

He then realized that Sirius had hit him with a pillow and he was now laughing out loud at James' reaction.

James grumbled and grabbed the pillow he was laying on, swinging it directly at Sirius who had ducked and ran over to his own bed, a wide grin plastered on his face.

This had led to the two young boys running around the room, throwing pillows at each other. Random pillows were on the ground and soon they were both on either side of one of the beds that held Remus on top.

The boys both looked at each other, pillows gripped in their hands, waiting on who'd make the first move. After a solid minute had passed. Sirius then made his move, his swing being too large, causing him to fall on Remus, he had panicked and got up quickly.

"Maybe he's still asleep..?" James whispered.

"Think again, dumbass," a voice grumbled. They both froze and turned their gazes to Remus who sat up, squinting at the two of them.

"The hell were you doing?"

James had pointed at Sirius who glared and hid the pillow behind his back. "We uh-...we."

"What you two were doing was obvious but forget it. I'm not playing this game. Screw you both for waking me up. You pull off something like that again and you'll both wake up dangling out of the astronomy tower."

"That's kinda harsh," James said awkwardly, hugging his pillow and scrunching up his nose to keep his glasses from sliding down.

Before Remus could respond, Sirius had said. "Got it. Next time we'll just wake up, Pete."

"You'll what now?" A voice said from the other side of the room.

"Peter! Good to see that you're awake," Sirius yelled.

"Er, yay?"

Remus let out a groan and stood up, moving over to the bathroom door. "I'm sleeping in the common room," he muttered and slammed the door shut behind him.

Peter blinked, puzzled by what was going on and rubbed his eyes to rid some of the tiredness that lingered. "What's going on?"

"Long story," James responded, walking to his bed.

"What do we do about Remus?" Sirius questioned.

"We a blank fort! That'll lift his mood!"

Sirius grinned. "Good idea!"

When Remus had stepped foot in the dorms, he saw a big blanket fort built in front of him, it had used most of their blankets and all their pillows were underneath. Hushed whispers coming from the fort that told Remus the three boys were inside.

James popped his head from out of the blankets and gave him a welcoming smile.

"There's room for one more," Sirius called out suggestively.

When peeking inside the fort when James had moved back into his spot, he was faced with pleading looks from the boys.


"But it won't be the same without you," Peter piped up, trying to stifle back a moan.

"Yeah so? I'm tired and won't get any sleep if I agree to sleep in there."

"We promise that we'll go to sleep right away, just please, please come in," Sirius begged to the other boy.

Remus had let out a long suffering sigh but gave in, running his fingers through his messy curls and kneeled down to crawl inside.

They'd all slept side by side, Remus being at the far end, James laid beside him, Sirius placed next to James and Peter at the other end, when all were done moving around to get comfortable on the blankets placed on the ground, they all let their eyelids come to a close once more.

They were at peace and silence but it was broken when James had yelled "Goodnight." Claiming he wouldn't fall asleep until he heard everyone say it back, which was annoying but everyone did so, leaving James satisfied.

Afterwards, all four boys finally fell back asleep, receiving aches throughout thier body in the morning, all stretching to to rid the pain. Classes that day were difficult.

But that wasn't their last blanket fort they slept in.

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