Super Soldiers?

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I landed in a puddle of mud. What the hell? I started rubbing my head as a pounding headache began to settle in. I opened my eyes to see cars flying above me and I heard blasting music coming from not too far from here. All my senses flooding over me at once. My eyes adjust to the darkness as I get up out of the wet mud that had now covered my clothes. As I look up from my dirty shirt, I see people on hover boards surrounding me from every angle.

"What is your name!" One of the barked at me, she looked at the others as if she was talking to them but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Look I just need to get back to my home," I said, quietly. The lady who yelled looked me in the eyes, and thats when I really saw her face. A weird moving tattoo plastered onto her face, her sharp jawline and dark, piercing eyes. I gasped and took a step back. I noticed I couldn't read her mind very well. And all I could read of it were not her own thoughts. Something was controlling her, and probably all of them. All of a sudden two people that looked like her reached for my arms. I flare up to magic fists and throw it at their faces.

"Look,I really don't want to hurt you guys but I will." I called out to the other three that were not knocked down by my blast.

"Don't worry," The main lady said with a smirk. Right then the other two came back as the three dashed towards me. I jumped up sending a stream of energy down to the ground. As I landed I started throwing balls of bright blue energy from my hands.

"Woah, you guys are fast," I said as they danced around me, avoiding all my blows. One of them grabbed my wrist and threw me into a tree. "And strong" I groaned as the wave of pain from the tree set in. Clearly using my powers is not working. I should try combat. I grabbed one of their necks and threw the onto the ground. I used my magic to push them to stay on the ground. With my other hand I grab a wrist that came flying at my face. I noticed the straight,white,thin lines on the girls arms. I twist her arm to flip her onto the ground. After throwing and dodging punches for what felt like way too long but was probably only 2 minutes, I came up with an idea that will hopefully give me time to run away and think of a plan to help these poor people. I shoot myself up into the air high enough so they couldn't reach me. Did these people take super soldier serum or something? But I thought they destroyed it years ago? Pushing that thought aside, I began to conjure an illusion. I was going to make an illusion of me running deeper into the forest so hopefully these crazy people would follow and I could make my exit. As I threw the illusion down, three of the five people followed it. Two stayed near the small crater I created when I landed in this strange place. It was the mean boss lady and one who looked like she was new to whatever this weird cult was. I lowered my self back down to the earth quickly and quietly. I took a moment to catch my breath. But by the time I started to run, a sharp pain shocked my neck and spread through out my body. "What the hell?" say loudly as my hand smacks where the stinger went in. My legs turn to jello as tiredness spreads over me.
My knees hit the mud and splashed a bit onto my face. I look up to see a blurry the mean boss lady and her pet standing there. "" My eyelids grew heavy and sitting in the squishy cold mud didnt' seem so bad anymore. My vision faded to black and it felt like everything was good for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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