Dear Mark...

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*Read the story description* thank you :)


Dear Mark,

It's been a while now since you left, I hope everything's good. How is America? I heard that it's tons of fun! Tonight Lucy is going to make Jayden and me, your special lasagne. Lucy said that she wanted to attempt to cook it so that when you come home she will be able to make it for you.

Update: the lasagne was delicious, Lucy really does take after her father :)

Love, Mary



Everything is off to a great start! My boss is nice and the job pays well just like we thought. America is quite a bit different from home but it's still a nice change. So Lucy tried making my lasagne? Well, she'll have to cook it for me when I get back. Which reminds me, my boss said that in 3 months I'll be able to come back home for a week or two. Jayden's first baseball game is next week right? Give him all my love and support!

I miss you guys!

Love, Mark


Dear Mark,

Sorry, it took me so long to write back, I was super busy at work and it took a little while for your letter to get here. It's good to know that your boss is nice and that you're enjoying American life. Jayden won his first game, he told me that it was because you're coming back soon! he got into the college he kept talking about too, and it's all because of his fantastic father

Love, Mary


I just saw on the news, the terrorist attack! Isn't that where you work? Mark, please you have to come home! you still have to walk your daughter down the isle for her wedding, or see your son become the doctor he always wanted to be. my love, just come home.


Dear Mark...

It's been a year, Lucy makes lasagne every Wednesday for you, and Jayden looks more like you with every passing day. I wish that you could hold me in your arms one more time, I wish that you and Lucy could make a mess of my kitchen one more time, I wish you could practice baseball with Jayden and accidently break the window one more time. I wish a lot of things but the one thing I wish for with my whole heart, more than anything is for us to be together again, if only for one minute.

goodbye my love.


Thank you guys for reading my story! have a good day :)

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