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"Are you sure it's okay to pair them up together on this mission?"

"Shikamaru, are you doubting my decision?" Kakashi asked his assistant.

He sat behind the Hokage desk and watched as Shikamaru, with his head bowed, attention away from him, arranged the files on top of the table. The younger shinobi's face was crumpled into a frown.

"Yes," Shikamaru answered without pausing and looking up from his task. "For all your wisdom, Hokage-sama, you have such a soft spot for Naruto."

"Look who's talking," Kakashi only answered mildly.

Shikamaru abruptly stopped what he was doing and looked at the Hokage. His smile was sheepish. "Okay, fine," he admitted.

They both laughed.

Shikamaru continued, "But I mean, they're dating and they've been together for months now. I just don't think it's a good idea to send a two-man cell of Hinata and Naruto on this mission, especially since they're still in the honeymoon phase of this relationship."

Even though it was hidden behind the dark mask, Kakashi kept the smile on his face. "They'll be fine. Hinata's got a level head. She's been doing wonders for him."

Shikamaru frowned. "Yeah, but I don't trust him. She has a soft spot for Naruto, too, and he can always break her down."

Shikamaru then looked out the window, into the distance and in the direction of where the couple would be right now. He noted how dark it was outside. His voice full of disapproval, he muttered, "For all we know, at this moment, they could be doing something they shouldn't be doing in the middle of a mission."

Kakashi shook his head, his eyes twinkling with humor. "No, Shikamaru. Hinata will prevail."

Shikamaru humphed. "We'll see."


"Oh, god, Naruto. Harder!"

A long, drawn-out sigh. A high keening wail, then a breathy voice calling out "Aaah, Naruto!"

"Shhh!" Naruto hissed in panic. "Hinata! Not so loud! Everybody will hear!"

There was a nervous giggle and then Hinata's apologetic voice saying, "I'm sorry, but you're the one who wanted to do this."

"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to be so loud!"

"I can't help it! It feels really good!" came her exasperated voice.

Naruto stopped what he was doing, slapped a hand over his eyes, and groaned with embarrassment. "Now everybody thinks we're having sex."

Hinata smothered her laughter as she gazed at Naruto's pink face inside their tent. How adorable, she thought. Despite him being the most affectionate person she's ever known, he could still be embarrassed so easily when it came to things like these.

Still, it was his fault

"Naruto, you're the one who wanted to give me a foot rub!"

He pouted then glared at her when he saw the teasing gleam in her eyes. "Hinata! You're doing it deliberately! Making all those sexy sounds."

She grinned at him knowingly. "You only offered to massage my feet because you were hoping to get lucky tonight."

He continued to frown at her. "Maybe it's because I thought all that walking made you tired and I wanted to do something nice for you?"

She smiled. "Nice try. Can you come up with another excuse?"

NaruHina: Half-livesWhere stories live. Discover now