1・New Singer in The Music Freaks?

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Video Cred: Seogm

Written by: Vrix

Edited by: Kin

New Singer in The Music Freaks?

All about Drew, the theories and the evidence

Many people should know Drew. The rich kid of the cast, yet also one of the "bullies". He not only has haters, but people that adore him with a passion. Not-so-recently, a question arrived to Rosyclozy about Drew. Will he sing in The Music Freaks? If so, musically or in general?

Musically v.s Generally

Many people wonder about the difference between these two styles, it's pretty simple. An example could be with Luke and Jake, so I'll use that.

Luke, who sang Seasons, sang about his emotions and feelings. These feelings affected the song heavenly. Though no one in the background reacted to him singing and walking in the streets. This is how you can tell that Luke can't sing.

Jake on the other hand, had a reaction. That reaction came from Daisy! Not only that, throughout the show, Jake sang in a concert-like formation. This is how you can tell that Jake is in fact, a singer for the band.

Now why would I bring this up? Well simply to see if Drew will be singing in one of these forms. Recently there have been many video's of him:

・Playing the violin

・Having a singing backstory

・Parents that didn't let him pursue musical talent

Though there are chances of these topics happening ( or being a CCC ), there might not be any clear indication if it actually happened. 

Since he can hide his feelings pretty well, even with the homies ( Henry, Liam, and Jake ). So if he ever sang about that, most likely in a musical formation, because if he did sing it in general, it'll simply cause all eyes to be on him, which would be too sudden.

Wake up in the Morning GCMV

Now everyone should probably know about this GCMV (Gacha Club Music Video). Created by the wonderful Seogm, this video gained insane popularity. This not only included Drake ( Drew x Jake ), but even RosyClozy herself has reacted to the GCMV, saying that she ships Drake, and even more now due to the GCMV.

Of course, I'm not saying Rosy will be biased and just make Drake cannon all of a sudden. Mostly saying that due to the fact she already has added some Drake content. Though I can admit that this GCMV has raised a lot of hope for the shippers. Plus it's well done! So the chances now of a Drake song is pretty high up!

Drew's Love Interests:

Episode 5 revealed a lot about Drew's interest. Though many believe and theorize in his sexuality, the one most likely to be his confirmed sexuality is Bisexual. With this, it makes sense that he blushed about the fact of Jake and him going into his arms, said by Henry.

Not only that, if you took a closer look at the "Jake from Statefarm Ad", made by Rosy herself, you could see Jake looking at Drew hugging Jake, to them both blushing. This can prove some form of musical singing about Drake ( not the singer ) from either Jake or Drew. This could make sense. Another thing that he could sing about is Zoey.

This could be a result of him finding out about Zoey's gold digging, or simply him realizing that she doesn't really appreciate him for who he is. 

This can result in a sad song, which hasn't really happened yet. Of course the meme with Zander's jealousy and past does exist and is extremely popular, and is canon. Unfortunately, since it isn't directly included in The Music Freaks series, ( aka their episodes ), it doesn't count as a Zander solo. 

So if Drew sang about this topic canonically in the series, it would technically be the first sad love song.


Authors note: I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget we mostly put what we find, if we miss something, we're ever so sorry. Stay tuned for the next article everyone!

Editors Note: Heya guys, I had fun reading and editing this article. I hope you don't mind, the article was mostly theories. However we did a fun deep dive for this one and Vrix worked really hard, so I hope you all enjoy it! 

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