Dating a Kim Taehyung....

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uh Hiiii!!! I'm sorry for not updating for so long i hope you don't mind it! 

Kinda short update for today sorry!!

i'll apologize now if there is so many wrong grammars there!

enjoy the chapter! love you all mwaa!


Jungkook's POV

"i'll pick you up tomorrow when the shoot ends" Taehyung said  before kissing the top of my head  i nodded at him 

"i love you" he said " i love you" i said back he smiled before going back to his car 

he waved his hands to me as a sign of goodbye so i waved back at him before his car leaves my place 

i sigh before going in to my apartment 

i stretched my arm before sitting down on y bed 

i open my phone and immediately went to my twitter thinking of tweeting something 

should i tweet about taehyung? i mean i have a fan account i always tweet there if its about taehyung and he doesnt know about it will be embarassing if he knows i have a fan account and all of my tweets were just 'good lucks' and 'take care' that's all, i usually dont use social medias since im always focus on my studies and its also my first time havng a twitter and instagram account

i lay down on my bed before thinking a better tweet, hmm should i be sweet this time? should i? 

hmm okay here goes nothing 

i started typing something on my phone and i also check the spelling before tweeting it 

Good luck on your shoot baby take care! i love you! @Kimtaehyung 

i throw my phone as soon as i tweet it gosh ill delete it after he replied to it later, gosh its so embarassing doing this things to him but since i love him i need to make efforts for him 

i went outside my bedroom and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, after drinking the water i went back to my bedroom just to hear the sound of my phone vibrating so much 

i look at my phone who was making so many sounds of notifications 

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