Chapter 1

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The plane ride from New York was actually pretty nice. I sat next to this older lady who kept asking if I wanted any mints. She was so sweet I didn't want to decline any of her offers, so I kind of have around 15 mints in my pocket now. My plane landed and I walked off through the hallway. I grabbed my bags and started looking for two specific familiar faces. My mom looked worried as she was looking around for me. My dad looked like he was trying to calm her down. Glad to see they didn't change one bit.

I ran up and hugged them both. I haven't seen them in 4 years because of college. I worked with Chloe's mother as an intern to help me get into working fashion and, crossing my fingers, hopefully become a new big fashion designer. It's always been my dream and with her help it could come true.

"Oh sweetie. It's been so long," my mom said to me.

"I missed you both so much," I told them both as we stepped back from our hug.

My dad grabbed one of my suitcases and we headed off to our car. Going through the city I grew up in was weird. Everything looked the same but different. All the buildings were the same but the feeling I got from the city itself was unsettling.

While I was away at college, I had to give the ladybug miraculous to someone. They did good while I was away, but now I'm back and ready to continue saving Paris. I just hope Chat Noir is still here.

My belongings were taken up to my room by my dad as my mom and I chatted about everything that happened while I was away. The bakery has been growing a ton so apparently we now have another store opened. It's on the other side of town so we can get as much business as possible.

My room looks exactly like how I left it. There's still a million pictures of Adrien Agreste. As I scan over them I remember how big of a crush I had on him. I could never even get a full sentence out. What a fool.

The view from my balcony is the same. I rest up against the railing as I watch people walk by. A family consisting of a mom, dad, and son walk by. The son is swinging from the mom and dads hands. There's also a couple that walks by. They look so in love. I wish I had something like that. There were a few dudes in college but it never would've worked. I wanted to come back to Paris while they wanted to stay in the states.

I decide to go look around because I haven't yet. My parents an I say bye to each other and I head out the door. My first stop is the park. The merry-go-round is still in a corner while there's a fountain in the middle. Benches and trees surround all sides. Someone in the left corner catches my eye. She has red hair, a darker skin tone, and glasses. She looks exactly like my friend from high school, Alya.

I walk closer to see if I can get a better look at her. Then realization hits.

"Alya?!" I say at a light yell.

"No way. Marinette?!" she says as she comes walking towards me.

As we hug I say, "We haven't seen each other in so long. How are you?"

"I'm very good. You?"

"Feeling less homesick right about now," I say as a little giggle escapes my lips.

"So what have you been up to," Alya asks.

"Well I graduated college last year and thought I'd come home now."

"I graduated last year too! College was definitely something."

"That's so cool. And it definitely was," I said in reply. "So any guys in your life? Any lucky man?"

"I'm actually still with Nino. He and I went to the same college and I think our connection has gotten stronger," she said with a huge smile on her face.

Seeing her talk about Nino saddens me. She's always had someone to count on and I haven't. Yes i've had friends to talk to, but no one that would understand why I cry or why I don't.

"What about you girl?" she questioned. "How about a particular blonde boy?"

I scoffed. "If you mean Adrien, I haven't spoken to him since graduation."

She looked shocked.  Her and everyone else always thought Adrien and I would be together but he has never seen me the way I saw him.

"Nope," I said popping the 'p', "No one in New York wanted to move to Paris."

"Who wouldn't want to move to Paris? It's literally the capital city of love," Alya said while her arms stuck out as she spun in a circle.

She's a weird one.

"Yeah, well no one did so I'm just as lonely as I was before I left," I said while my head drooped down.

"You'll find someone some day. Trust me," she said with a reassuring tone. "Plus who wouldn't want free macaroons anyways!"

A giggle came out of me. She did always know how to cheer me up no matter what.

I suddenly saw her attention go to something behind me. Or more like someone.

"Is that Adrien?" she said excitedly.

I turned around and sure enough, it was. He looked good. His blonde hair was longer and slightly messy. He is definitely still a model.

"Hey! Adrien!" Alya said while waving him over.

My stomach was churning as he walked over. Hopefully I wouldn't stutter as much. I was over him but you never know when I'll forget what language I'm speaking. It happens more often than I would like to admit.

"Hey guys!" Adrien said while waving at us both.

My mind went straight to the first week he came to our school. The first day I walked into class and saw him playing with a piece of gum on my seat. I had thought he put it there as a prank to pull on me. Turns out it was Chloe. But i only found that out when he told me that one stormy day. I was waiting for the rain to die down when he walked up next to me. He handed me the umbrella I was using and told me. I was so clumsy back then that i closed the umbrella on myself. The umbrella engulfed my whole body. We both laughed about it and became friends. I miss those moments I had with my friends. We all had certain moments that we enjoyed with just each other.

"Hey," Alya and I said at the same time.

We all laughed.

"It was nice talking to you Mari. Maybe we can catch up soon Adrien," Alya said, "But I have to get back home. My family wants to have dinner all together."

"Oh, ok. Bye Alya," I said while waving bye to her.

"See ya Alya," Adrien said while doing the same.

I immediately face palm. I wanted to giver her some of my many mints. I forgot to drop them off in my room so they're still sitting in my pocket.

Now it was just him and me. The boy I liked for years. The boy I could never have is standing in front of me and I don't want him anymore. I feel lighter. Almost like that crush I had on him years ago was holding me back. He was sorta holding me back from my true potential. I hope something like that never happens again. I'll stop myself if I feel it coming along.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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