More than friends? Ultramega friends? {Destiel}

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This is very bad (especially the end) but my life is falling apart and so- fluff (:

(Teen AU)

"Dean I need to be going-"

"Yah, just give me a second"

Dean takes a shaken breath, his gaze finally going from his clasped hands that rested on the picnic table and to Castiel who sat across from him. Under the fading sunlight Cas looks gorgeous, with his head tilted just the smallest bit to the right and a slightly annoyed expression across his face. It has Dean's stomach twisting, the words he'd been meaning to say stuck on his tongue. It should have been easy, things were always easy with Cas, yet this, this was different.

This would shift everything, both in their relationship, and in Dean's life, and Dean wasn't sure if he was strong enough for that shift. If he'd ever be strong enough.

"Dean," Cas insists. Dean can hear the annoyance begin to creep in his voice, a rare occasion for Cas who was usually easy going, but he should have left over ten minutes and his parents were strict when it came to curfew- or anything really.

"I said give me a minute." Cas narrows his eyes, and Dean lets out another slow breath, trying desperately to calm his hammering heart.

"You said to give you a second," Cas replies, "It's been over a second.

A smile spreads across Dean's face, his gaze staying locked on the others. It was impossible not to look away, to not ignore Cas's stare that was sometimes a little too intense, or to not smile at his blatant comments that more often than not left people rolling their eyes. It was impossible to not absolutely adore the little quirks that left Cas unlike anyone else Dean had ever met. Cas was the moment of okay, the stable second in Dean's spiralling life. He was the sun and the moon, and the whole damn galaxy. He was the good that the world lacked so much of, and god fucking dammit was Dean endlessly in love with him.

Cas presses his lips together, scrunching his nose in a clear annoyance that leaves Dean's heart flipping in his chest. "De-"

"I like you," Dean spits out before he can second guess himself again. He looks down to his hands as a heat flares across his neck, able to feel Cas's stare that still burns on him. "A lot," Dean adds when Cas doesn't reply.

"I'm aware you liked me," Cas replies, "we're best friends, you said so yourself."

"No." Dean whispers, his heart racing in his chest. He can't think of anything else to say, the words blurring together in panic, this wasn't supposed to go this way, he wasn't supposed to have to explain his feelings. Cas was supposed to understand and then have that sad smile spread across his face as he crushed Dean's heart.

"No, we aren't best friends?" Cas asks.

"No like-" Dean looks up, lips parting as he once again meets Cas's stare. The blue of his eyes are still just visible as the sun fades out, and Dean can almost see the pain as Cas presses his lips in a tight line. "I like you as more, you know? I wanna go on dates, and hold your hand, and that kinda crap-" Dean says, the last words coming out quieter then he'd meant for them to.

It's as if the whole world crumbles as Cas doesn't reply, his expression unchanging. Dean's breaths are suddenly forced, his lungs feeling as if they're crumbling in upon themselves as his anxiety rises with each beat of his heart. Every second burning worse than the last, the urge to run only growing. He knew this wouldn't go well. He'd known the moment he started having a crush on his best friend that Cas would never feel the same, but he'd let himself hope, he'd let Charlie change his mind, and now the world was falling through his fingers tips and he was going to lose his best friend.

"I'm sorry man," Dean says, when Cas still hasn't responded. He hopes the shaking in his voice isn't clear, as his thumb begins tugging at the hangnail once again. "Look we can just pretend this never happened, move on, unless you want to leave, or stop talking- I don't know, i'm sorry I fucked shit up, I jus-"

"Dean," Cas says. He tilts his head, a small smile across his lips. "I like you as well."

"As more than best friends?"

"As more than best friends," Cas confirms.

If they were in a movie Dean would lean across the picnic table and kiss Cas, let his hand cup the other's cheek as their lips connected, at first barely grazing the other until one of them gained the confidence to lean closer. They would kiss until they were both breathless, then kiss again, but they weren't in a movie and instead Dean grins like he never has before, happiness bubbling in his chest. Cas likes him.

For some reason, Castiel Novak, the smartest kids in their grade, the captain of their school's soccer team, and the nicest person to ever grace the world, likes Dean, and god Dean couldn't be happier.

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