»»--Boys cant date boys! Why Why why?!?💘💕--««

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Kotokos POv

"Monaca wants to know if you are done yet Monaca doesn't like waiting" Monaca said to me, I was trying to do her makeup but I kept messing up because the babbling from Nagisa and Masaru having another fight. They always do this it's basically a habit, well thats my thoughts on it

"Kotoko!! Monaca needs answers!"

I felt her chair starting to move, she was banging on it,

"Yes I'm almost done I just need one more thing! My cute heart stickers!! "

I reached for them but felt nothing I looked over and saw that they weren't there

Wth?!  What happened to them!?

I looked around and saw Jataro in the corner giggling to himself with, with my stickers!! Hmph that brat always gets in the way no wonder everyone hates him even he hates himself!

Such a low life..

"Jataro! What the hell!" I yelled , once I did he looked up and saw fright in his eyes and the stickers all over his dumb mask and his dumb apron

"Manners kotoko! And Jataro could you come here for Monaca please? "
She put on one of her grins that meant she was angry and no one likes when Monaca is angry, it scares us all even I got scared what she said please!
Jataro walked over slowly shaking with my sticker sheet half gone and some fearful eyes, to be honest he deserves it! He should ask first such a dumb ugly child

"Y-Yes Monaca? " He said in a very shaky voice as he bended down to her level looking down the whole entire time, I saw tears go down his face and onto the ground
I almost laughed
He's in big big trouble!!

Monaca POv!

I lifted up his chin and started to slap him
Tears went down his face...

"ow! Wth?! " I felt a hard hand hit my neck I turned and I saw Nagisa with Masaru behind him

"Monaca just because he done that you can't hit him! That was quite rude even if he's clumsy and cute and, shit! I meant even if he is clumsy doesn't mean you can hit him " Nagisa said

Was my beloved, was he standing up for him?? Disgusting.. I'm already getting sick of this rat over here why does he have to support him?!?

Jataros POv!

Nagisa..! He,

He standed up for me! He really did! I thought, no he just, he's mad that's all! He couldn't likee a low life like me I have no worth a-at all! Why? Why? Why?!

"Go to you're room! Bad child!! "
She started yelling at him then turned back to me after Nagisa finnaly walked off to his room, she's acting like a adult..

"go to yours! Bad Jataro! Monaca will never forgive you!!"
I walked off running  to mine passing Nagisa, well tripping on him.

"Jataro!!" He yelled at me getting mad his face was going red, but he..
He wasnt red because of anger he was blushing.. Because of a low life like me?! That's
So fake!! But I love it he hates me so he has to act like he likes me because Monaca will yell at  him!! Such a smarti!!


hahaha smdhsh this is my first time writing something! I hope it's good :')

Words in total: 562

Hope you guys like it!

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