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Mina wasn't really a morning person. She'd rather take her precious five more minutes and regret it later when she's running for her life trying to catch the bus and whisper a silent prayer that she'll make it in her 7 am class before it starts, because God know how many lectures she had missed already and was unfortunate of her for it was always the ones who appears during their exams ( luckily she have her Sattang to fill her in despite of making the girl repeat herself over and over again because she easily get distracted by means of anything--- like for example in Sana's voice that sounds so cute and makes Mina pinch her cheeks instead of taking down notes of what was the girl explaining or worst on the plump lips of Sana that always makes the other wonder how soft it is--- and the latter was the most probable reason why they always took more than an hour just for the introduction of the topic yet).

But, today she was more than willing to change that and when in fact, she's already close at the café she and Sana agreed to meet, five minutes earlier than their set time (Though it wasn't for their class but still, she considers it as life changing already).

Yesterday, both their professors for the first and second subject informed them that they won't be able to attend tomorrow's class so instead they will be given a take home activity to be passed on to their next meeting. Their block was ecstatic upon hearing it and for just a second, the room was filled with loud chatter except from the girl at the back corner of the room. Sana was sulking; it was very evident from the way she pouted even when she tried to join Momo and Dahyun joyful conversation.

Her heart was swollen seeing the loneliness in the eyes of the girl, her small smiles can't hide the fact that she was somehow in between upset and disappointed. She knows exactly why. Sana was fond of surprises; with or without occasion, she'll shower you with love on any day and make you feel how special you are to her. It happens to be Mina's birthday the next day and she quite expected for something to happen------ not to mention that one of their classmates and as well as close friend, Nayeon slipped a tongue during their phone call two days ago. This time the older girl planned to take her surprise inside their classroom so that Mina can celebrate with a lot of people, (their classmates who they also treat as a family for they were all close and understand each other well--- a rare thing for a class to happen) as she wanted to lessen the loneliness the younger girl feels for Mina's parents can't make it for her birthday this year since their family business was in the middle of expansion in some other parts of Japan.

She walked to where Sana was and immediately hugged the girl as soon as she reached her.

'Are you done handing out the activity sheets Mittang?'

The older girl softly spoke as she intertwined their fingers.

But instead of answering Sana's question she asked her if they could just ditch their remaining one subject for tomorrow and instead go on a date during the day as she wanted to celebrate with their friends too at night. Sana looked up at her and met her eyes for a good five seconds (that instantly melts her heart as if it was the first time the girl had laid her eyes on Mina) that was followed by a cheeky smile.

'If that's what my Minari wants then it would be a certain yes.'

And that's what it only takes for Mina to feel relieved as Sana was once again back at her usual self--- like a ball of sunshine that spread warmth and energy to everyone. Mina's source of strength, hope and happiness. Her love. Her Minatozaki Sana.

The weather today is nice, she thought to herself. Even when the rays of the sun brushed against her bare skin and can definitely feel the heat, the younger wasn't bothered as the cold breeze that was blowing balanced the temperature of the morning. The sidewalks are slowly being occupied by busy looking people and the volume of vehicles on the road are starting to increase.

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